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Theo Wizzago
Ok. So just a random sampling of games this season, it seems that the Home team always gets the opening kickoff and the road team gets the ball kicked to them in the 2nd half.

True? False? (I didn't feel like looking at every single game played so far to try and find one where that wasn't true.)

If False then ignore the rest of this;

If True then wouldn't that mean the Home Team always gets the kickoff in OT as well? If not then how in the heck is it determined? (I've never seen a coin flip in this game so... just askin.)
TJ Spikes
I can't find it.

For the sake of my own sanity, I'm choosing to believe there's a coin toss. If it's heads, visitor kicks off. If it's tails, home team kicks off. No reason to "call" anything.

Highly recommend you do the same.

Kid Cudi
Looking over my AP teams games....

the starting kickoff went like this

received - 3 home 2 away
kicked - 2 away 1 home
Seems to be about 50/50, whether you're home or away. Certainly feels like there's a coin toss behind the scenes, just no replay message about it.
Theo Wizzago
Thanks guys. I had some extra time today and did some more lookin and I got the same results for game starts. Finding OT games to look through was a job I wasn't interested in doing so I'm guessing since game starts vary then OT uses the same process (dot-coin-flip [would dot games use a bit coin???]).

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