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Hi all. Is there a reason why some players leave their dots without a team for long time?
Can't see the point here...
bluest blues
Seen that myself, no reason really, you don't gain anything from staying a free agent. Probably just agents who made a dot for this season which is a fill in season till Bort brings out the new procedures and just didn't put them on a team
Originally posted by Bluesman
Seen that myself, no reason really, you don't gain anything from staying a free agent. Probably just agents who made a dot for this season which is a fill in season till Bort brings out the new procedures and just didn't put them on a team

maybe it'me, but i don't understand... Where the advantage in doing so?
I don't know about others, but until yesterday I had 4 free agents I had built after the season started when I came back to the site and learned of the situation.
I used to keep build plans in the players that were retired and so lost them in the crash. So I had to build some to remember the SA trees and re-plan for future builds. Now Ive done that and moved the info to spreadsheets on my computer.
I'll be doing more of that. So basically pre-planning.
you're a millionaire, don't need plans.
King of Bling
@ BigRatUno

Go to my team Forum, (look at the blue section) . You will find build guides, boost guides, VA guides, training guides and so forth. Ask any additional questions anytime
Edited by King of Bling on May 26, 2023 12:58:10
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Dario76
Hi all. Is there a reason why some players leave their dots without a team for long time?
Can't see the point here...

Sometimes an agent is also a team owner or a big part of an organization. While you HOPE the team you start with is the team you take to the top, sometimes one of your agents might go AWOL for a time for whatever reason (health, lost internet, deployed on duty somewhere, quit game.... all kinds of reasons). When that happens, you want to know you have a replacement dot for those that you'll be losing or need to replace because they've stopped training and boosting and have fallen behind.
There are other reasons as well... such as certain positions are ALWAYS in high demand so building an extra dot or two and putting them in D-leagues or on a CPU team is hedging your bets on the future.
Or, maybe you want to experiment with a build. Generally speaking, most teams don't want an 'unknown idea' floating about their team in a key position so you can do this on a CPU team or D-league team while you build. If it works, great! Somebody will want that dot later. If not, retire and recycle and nobody got hurt.
And sometimes you build a dot but nobody needs it (yet). Rather than recycle right off the bat, you can build it on a CPU/D-league team and wait for an opportunity later. I've had to do this a few times myself.
Edited by Theo Wizzago on May 24, 2023 11:10:08
i'm waiting for season 100
Originally posted by King of Bling
@ BigRatUno

Go to my team Forum, (look at the blue section) . You will find build guides, boost guides, VA guides, training guides and so forth. Ask any additional questions anytime

Kobber, might help to put that info in a GLB private forum, since it's kinda weird to have to download a random baseball game to see dotball info.

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