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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > Anybody want to sponsor PWG flex prize with me for S46?
Here is what I'm thinking....S46 is supposed to be the last season of Pee Wee. If Pee Wee is gone, there are a lot of us in this group that will quit, and all of our flex will go down the drain. I'm willing to throw down 10k flex to the winner of PWG and/or possibly the GLB PW tourney in S46 if it means we can get one more really competitive season of play. If we can get a few other people to sponsor it as well, we could probably get a lot of WL agents interested.

If the winner is one of the long time PW agents (as I expect), and they are planning to quit after PW ends, the flex prize can go to the next person on the list that will stick around beyond S47.

Who likes the idea? Who wants to pitch in?
Did I miss something? Pee Wee is going away? If true then I guess WG really wants to go out of business. Fucking stupid.
Dub J
Originally posted by MOLON LABE
Did I miss something? Pee Wee is going away? If true then I guess WG really wants to go out of business. Fucking stupid.

There's only like 5 teams in peewee.


Can you post a link to where Bort made the end of Pee Wee announcement? I saw it, but now I can't find it again.
...I think Dub got me.

He posted in the monster league recruiting thread where Bort said he was going to end PW after S46. I did a search for Bort posts in the last 90 days, and I didn't see anything about that. At this point on this site, nothing will surprise me, so I bought the post that Dub made.

I may still sponsor the flex prize just to see if we can get more participation in this league.
Dub J
What are you doing Dub?
Dub J
hell if i know

I just got a response from Support regarding a flex point sponsorship.

Thanks for writing in! 'Sponsoring' with Flex Points (transferring FP from one person's account to another person's account) isn't officially possible through GLB. But if you guys wanted to do something where the prize was awarded outside of GLB, like the person sponsoring the tournament Paypals a few bucks to the winner and the winner uses it to buy Flex Points. As long as GLB/Warrior General Games isn't getting involved in an official way, however you guys want to do it is probably fine.

epic thread

As long as a few teams still go full boost/custom, they wont do away with it.
the russian
I would win you all but don't really have time for this

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