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New script I threw together for any other agents who, like me, no longer have cares and just want to watch their dots do their thing without having to manually skip/watch the plays your dot isn't involved in.

From the page description:
This allows you to watch every play that player was involved in as the game progresses.

It modifies all of the 'go to player replays' buttons, which are normally represented by the little piece of paper next to player's names. Rather than take you to the text links to all of the plays, it instead populates a Playlist of those plays. It then launches the replay for each and replaces the 'Next Play' with the next on your player's playlist.

Also, on the user games list, it prevents the display of the full scoreboard when 'show score' is clicked. This is purely to prevent spoilers, so that you can access your player page from that screen without seeing the score.
Edited by awsalick on Nov 14, 2013 21:18:52
brain saimin
I got the first download! I was wondering if there was an option to limit it to show just the top replays instead of all replays for your player.
Originally posted by briansimoneau
I got the first download! I was wondering if there was an option to limit it to show just the top replays instead of all replays for your player.

If you append "&top=1" to the initial URL that it calls, that would take you to top plays. The code already in place should theoretically handle the rest from there. You could even go crazy and add a 2nd "page" link - the original and the top=1 one that goes to the top plays.

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