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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Rate my Player > Dual threat QB - viable?
Dual threat QB - viable?

strength : 63.26
speed : 90.26
agility : 96.2
jumping : 8
stamina : 62
vision : 82.2
confidence : 40.26
blocking : 8
throwing : 102.2
catching : 8
carrying : 76.26
tackling : 8
kicking : 8
punting : 8

Top SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 2 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 0 | +1 in each
Additional SA Tree: | 10 | 10 | Spin and Juke

PQ 15%
Fake 15%
BT 15%

3 AE build, with 2 in spd and 1 in throwing and the regular pieces will be in the opposite in each case.

With the throwing gear he'd have 101 spd and 140 trhwoing, and with the speed gear on he'd have 137 speed and 107 throwing.

With all AE equipped he'd be 127 spd and 120 throwing, but it would be better I think to equip his gear around the gameplan as desired.

So, will that work or is he for the dumpster?
I'd use it, but I'm one of the few
Theo Wizzago
My only issues with the build is the lack of strength and confidence. Probably not "terribad"... but not as high as most QB's (non-dual threat QB's anyways). Do you still have some work left to put into the dot? If so, those might be good places to work on. But I'm just using normal QB build logic here. Never have built a "dual threat"... but have built normal QB's... so take that into account.

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