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Kyo Kotsu (Lv. 71 QB)

Physical Attributes
Strength: 84.38
Speed: 25
Agility: 52.38
Jumping: 10
Stamina: 50.38
Vision: 91.96
Confidence: 86.96 (+1)

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 8
Throwing: 149.96 (+46)
Carrying: 51.38
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pocket Passer Abilities
Pocket Presence: 7
Tight Spiral: 5
Pump Fake: 3
Turn the Shoulder: 1
Field General: 1

Scrambler Abilities
On The Run: 0
Dump Pass: 0
Quick Cut: 0
Stiff Arm: 0
Demoralize: 0

Additional Abilities
Quick Read: 6
Veteran Abilities
Laser Arm: 15
Football Genius: 15
Hail Mary: 13
Quick Release: 15
Slow Starter: 1

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Vision: +6.9
Throwing: +7.8
Quick release chance: +75%
Pass distance: +21%
Pass quality: +17%
Theo Wizzago
No CEQ? Ok... maybe a touch less vision and more speed. IMO, strength at 80 and what you don't spend there into agility. That's all I got for ya.
TJ Spikes
right now, all you can do is add speed. If you can break 50 you'll be doing ok. Then as much tight spiral as you can pack in (it's essentially PQ% gear in SA form)

in the future, probably less confidence (i made the same mistake too). Also carry is pretty much worthless for a turret QB. Only invest if you have a running QB.

IMHO, as long as you get Throwing where it needs to be, you really can't have too much vision or strength. If it was possible to hit triple digits on all 3 of those, I'd be doing it every time.

Confidence does, slightly help reduce the effects of pressure and hurries. However, Speed helps you to avoid pressure and hurries altogether. You'll drop back into the pocket faster, which means you get a better look and can get rid of the ball faster.

The next time I make a QB I'll be doing a early 2-cap on confidence and letting it coast up 65-70ish end target. I'll be shooting for 60+ agility and speed.


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