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lol @ Sellars.
Originally posted by sehorn31
lol @ Sellars.

Nice 43 dot roster scrub. I hope that we get u guys game 1, just to give u a taste of the kind of ass-beatings your team will be taking all season
Edited by Jay89 on Sep 9, 2013 18:20:41
Hmm apparently 49 is the new 43....too bad GLB doesn't have polls, we could take up a poll asking who DOESNT find Jay89 the biggest turd on GLB. He might be the biggest crybaby, hes certifiably terrible at dot building and mostly hes just terrible at anything except being terrible. I hope u wear an oversized hat with a foam brim and plastic mesh backing asking people if they want fries with that...... because I wouldn't let a person of your IQ anywhere NEAR the oil fryer. Best you stay at the order counter handing out empty cups and wondering when u will be able to successfully trash talk Sellars or heck anyone on here for that matter. Meanwhile make sure u ask for a promotion to the drivethru window, it will make u feel better.
Originally posted by Sellars
Hmm apparently 49 is the new 43....too bad GLB doesn't have polls, we could take up a poll asking who DOESNT find Jay89 the biggest turd on GLB. He might be the biggest crybaby, hes certifiably terrible at dot building and mostly hes just terrible at anything except being terrible. I hope u wear an oversized hat with a foam brim and plastic mesh backing asking people if they want fries with that...... because I wouldn't let a person of your IQ anywhere NEAR the oil fryer. Best you stay at the order counter handing out empty cups and wondering when u will be able to successfully trash talk Sellars or heck anyone on here for that matter. Meanwhile make sure u ask for a promotion to the drivethru window, it will make u feel better.

Leave them alone... saved me a bunch of flex a few seasons ago when I was told I went too high in passing for my QB.
Both QBs have since been retired, and I couldn't be happier!

Keep giving that great advice in PLFT (aka "Rate my Player")
Originally posted by Sellars
Hmm apparently 49 is the new 43....too bad GLB doesn't have polls, we could take up a poll asking who DOESNT find Jay89 the biggest turd on GLB. He might be the biggest crybaby, hes certifiably terrible at dot building and mostly hes just terrible at anything except being terrible. I hope u wear an oversized hat with a foam brim and plastic mesh backing asking people if they want fries with that...... because I wouldn't let a person of your IQ anywhere NEAR the oil fryer. Best you stay at the order counter handing out empty cups and wondering when u will be able to successfully trash talk Sellars or heck anyone on here for that matter. Meanwhile make sure u ask for a promotion to the drivethru window, it will make u feel better.

I'll take an apple pie with that too
Originally posted by Sellars
I'll take an apple pie with that too

I love how idiots on the Internet know everything about others real lives.

And Ur actually correct on the flipping burgers thing. I worked at mcd's from the age of 16, until the day I got out of high school and found a better job.
Now I make Popsicles lolol
Originally posted by Jay89
Who r u?

Loco Moco is my love bug.
Originally posted by Jay89
I love how idiots on the Internet know everything about others real lives.

And Ur actually correct on the flipping burgers thing. I worked at mcd's from the age of 16, until the day I got out of high school and found a better job.


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