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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Rate my Player > Opinions on training methods?
I'm just trying to get the most out of my ALG's. Any advice would be greatly appreciated it's been a while since i've played and i'd like to get back into it. I have 2 players, a man specialist CB and a zone specialist FS.

Penal institution (CB)

Ball Eagle (FS)
Edited by Big_D on Mar 26, 2013 02:33:42
I've seen a few different schools of thought on training. I'm interested to see what everyone else has to say about it.

Typically, everyone seems to agree that you want to dump all SP into your #1 attribute during season 1 (capitalize on ALGs for it). You'll take it up to 81 or 84 (some take it higher). As far as training, I've heard people say that starting quad training at level 7 or 8 is ideal. You'll just intense train your #1 skill until then and save up BT to unlock multi-training. Others seem to think starting quad training sooner is more advantageous.

I've built each of my dots differently, and I like to experiment with the VPB script.
TLDR version, a guy who hasn't accomplished anything has much to say about nothing.

Full disclosure: A summary of my method which certainly can't be proven to work well as as evidenced by the lack of involvement by my dots in WL.

Scope: Since both dots here are 4 primary attribute dots I will focus on that.

SP spend season 1: All points will go to your primary attribute taking care that you do not apply points to an attribute until you are able to get to the next cap. You apply points here until 78 or 79. Anything past that point (IMO of course, see Full disclosure) is overkill and you will see a drastic reduction in training effectiveness in the attribute later if you take it much further as training takes the attribute near or to 100 and ALGs take the attribute to 100 and beyond.

Season 1 Training: You have been training your #1 attribute on intense prior to season 1, and now it is time to switch to training your #1 attribute on normal. This allows you to maximize your token to training percentage rate. You will continue training on normal for a while so get used to it. You will need to buy attribute training slots as you obtain enough BTs. You will need 36 BTs to unlock your attributes 1-3. Also you will want to unlock training upgrades for those 3 attributes (30% - 36 BTs per) Your fourth attribute you will only upgrade 10%, maybe 20% depending on how long you plan to work on that attribute before you switch it to another attribute. You can start multitraining as soon as you have all three slots purchased and have at least upgrades to 30% on your main attribute and 20% on 2 and 3. Keep in mind that it may cause more problems than help should you start multitraining too early. Inefficiencies of training an attribute that is in the range 34-48.06 are well documented. You want to wait long enough to ensure you are past the point of 78 or 79 points in your main attribute before you hit 34 on your 2nd or 3 attribute so you can apply enough attribute points to those to avoid this inefficiency as much as possible.

Following seasons: Multitrain attributes 1-3 as long as you can and still upgrade your AEQ and finish off training each attribute with a 4th attribute

Conclusion: This in season 1 allows me to get my top 2 attributes to 100+ should I choose to do so and maintain 4 AEQ options. Further you should be able to get your 3rd attribute to the mid 90's.
Damn, I figured by now someone would tell me what I am doing wrong.
too much normal training

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