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Forum > Position Talk > HB Club > Height/Weight Considerations and Optimal Training Starts
Back to the game after a few years (so I'm flameproof?)

Multi-train and AEQ are new to me, and height and weight -- as far as I knew -- did not factor into stats and rolls in any way other than the +2+2/-2-2 you can see at build-time.

I was wondering if someone could clarify how height and weight now affect HBs, and if there is an optimum setting for Elusive and Power Backs. I built a powerback maxWeight/minHeight and an Elusive Back minWeight/minHeight but have noticed a few warnings against that.

Secondly, last time I was here the rules for training were pretty simple since you could only multi-train two atts, and there were no boosts to training gains or increased multi-trains.

I know the goal is to eventually settle into a 4x multi-train with your 4 primary atts, but, what's the most efficient investment to make early on. So far I see the following suggestions in the forum:

1) Train your first attribute on light until you've unlocked X training bonuses, and continue to first cap whereupon you switch to light and start unlocking multi trains

2) Train first attribute on intense, unlocking as many training bonuses in that attribute as you can as BTs become available until first cap and then switch to light until you have 4x multi.

3) Train first attribute on light until you unlock 4x multi, cap it, then begin purchasing training bonuses for all your attributes, beginning with the first. (Would these be brought to 5 stars?)

Are these the best options? Is there consensus on which option is the best for cap-building, and if there isn't, would someone care to make an impassioned argument as to why the method they use is the best?
You want to start like this, but this is for players made in the offseason. You can play around untill then with your free dot

Jdbolicks guide:

If going strength first then pick one pound below the maximum. If picking speed first then pick one pound above the minimum. Enhance the first attribute to 10%, train intense three times, enhance to 20%, then train intense until you have a nearly full bar at 32.9x. Convert 15 bonus tokens to a skill point and cap to 48.9x. Then boost. Next season you'll enhance to 30% and normal train, then second cap, then continue normal training, then third cap. At that point you'll unlock and enhance your attributes for multi-training. Unlock the first, second, and third attributes you plan to cap and enhance all to 30% when possible. Use the free first slot to rotate any other attributes you plan to cap eventually, enhancing each to 10%. Continue multi-training until the first attribute reaches anywhere between 90 and 100 depending upon your build plan. Skill points should be spent in the first attribute until it reaches between 73 and 85
Oh, awesome! That's actually incredibly simple but comprehensive.

My only out-standing question is does that plan account for a 3xAEQ budget, but I'm very happy with the info tyou've given me. Thanks
It depends totaly on you and the luck you have on shopping for AEQ... I usualy try to get 4 AEQ, a good plan is to shop a couple of times when you lvl up. Many start at lvl 31, so try the shop for 3 times and if you dont get any good eq then try at lvl 41 and so on. In the earlier lvl:s you should be happy to get +3 speed piece or a % break tackle piece (for example)... You can add the second part later. Usualy for a 4 AEQ dot you need to start light training at day 160 (this also depends on the luck at shopping) and for a 3 AEQ dot it usualy is somewhere at day 200+
Edited by kakashi on Feb 14, 2013 21:06:27

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