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Forum > Position Talk > WR Club > How do I make catch fake an Additional Ability?
You pick your bonus SA when you create your player. Otherwise, you will need to spend BT to convert it to Catch Fake.

To convert:
*Click on "Bonus Tokens" above the number of BTs on your player page.
*Click on the "Special Abilities" tab.
*Under "Select Ability to Trade Out", click on your current ability in the drop down.
*Select Catch Fake in the list and then click on the "Trade Ability" button below the box.

If you just want to add Catch Fake and not trade it out:
*Use the "Add a Special Ability" box at the bottom portion of the same page and select Catch Fake from that list. Click on the "Add Ability" button, which also shows you how many Bonus Tokens that particular ability will cost (35 BTs for the 1st ability that you add.)
Thanks for the input.

Here's another question.

I'm out of BT. Should I sell my AEQ which is leveled to catch chance 13% so that I can convert catch in stride to catch fake? I have 37 SP I could then dump into catch fake.
Catch chance is one of the most important parts of building a successful WR. It's a good build with that +20% catch chance.

I'd keep my AEQ and spend it on head fake (a fake is a fake) route run and sticky hands (they're penalised, but even for a small boost to speed/agility/catching I think it's worth a couple of SPs). A couple in catch in stride won't hurt - it may not be as good as catch fake, but it's worth having.
Sounds good to me. Thanks.
I'd put it in catch fake. Haven't heard anyone say that HF is a must for WRs.
Originally posted by Mob-6
I'd put it in catch fake. Haven't heard anyone say that HF is a must for WRs.

But in this situation it would be at the expense of a 13% catch ball chance, which is a must for WRs

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