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I have two free players and i wanted to make them both receivers: one speedster one possession. I was wondering if anyone could help me build them so theyre at their best. Ive been on glb a while but havent gotten serious about building before.
Speed:70.12 (+3)
Jumping:55.46 (+1)
Catching:107.79 (+24)
for possesion
No!!! Those advise are no good, brad all of your dots have bad effective lvl you need to take your main attribute much higher from the start. I havent done any WR:s but i belive speed is a main attribute for both so you need to take it to 83-85 in your first season. This season when you build them you do this:
Copyed from Whodey and shrazkil
When you build your dot you will get something like 21 points where you will put 15 into speed and the rest into a second major that you want to be the second highest attribute. Then after your player is built he will receive another 15 skill points. You hold onto those 15 skill points til day 48 and then you spend those skill points on speed. In the meantime from now til day 48 you intense train speed every day. Make sure you use your bonus tokens to enhance your training of speed.


1) Build dot
2) enhance training for speed by 10% (1 star)
3) Intense train speed 3 times which now gives you 18 bonus tokens
4) 20% enhance train speed (2 stars)
5) Intense train speed every day til day 48.
6) Your speed should be at 33. (assuming you picked a height and weight to add +2 to your speed)
7) You buy 1 skill point for 15 tokens
8) You now have 16 total skill points. You add that to speed taking it from 33 to 49.
9) Boost 3 times on day 48 (1 boost at a time....not all at once)
10) Save the 18 skill points you get from those boosts
11) It is now season 32
12) Continue to intense train speed until you have enough bonus tokens to 30% enhance speed (3 stars)
13) Continue to intense train speed til you have enough skill points to reach the next cap at 60 (costs 3 skill points to add 1)

or instead of point 13.

Continue training the attribute on a mix of normal and intense, your goal is to be able to reach 61.5 with your 18 SP before about day 3-4 when you level to 5(so by that day it needs to reach 52.5. You should have 3 attributes unlocked and ready to quad train by day -2 to 6, enhance 20 up to 30% as the BT becomes available (not your first, just the unlocked ). Begin quad training, including your first cap as the 4th train, and make sure and cap efficiently as you level, keep an eye on your decimal endings, and training percents and be smart about when you cap your first attribute. Continue this all season, and you should be able to get your first attribute at 86 and 90+ percent by end of season 1(don't forget to boost before day 48)(depending on training gains you may need to wait till you level once in season 2, to increase it from 85.5 to 86.5). As for what to unlock, for extreme builds, i recommend the attributes you intend to cap 2-4 since you have to spend so long training your first cap as well

or if not extreme build:

unlock 3 attributes for quad training, and enhance them all 10%, as well as the 4th you intend to train . I recommend attributes 3-5 you intend to cap, and use the 2nd attribute as your 4th quad train (if your second cap needs to finish VERY high as well, then unlock 2-4). Continue enhancing the unlockables to 30% as BT becomes available,the one you want the highest, you can go 40% if you wish, but i recommend only one. Make sure and cap efficiently as you level, keep an eye on your decimal endings, and training percents and be smart about when you cap your first attribute. By end of season 1, you should be capping your first attribute at 84 (make sure you boost only enough to make ending attribute under .25 decimal so its cheaper from 81-84) use all 3 boosts by day 48 though.

Your second attribute should now be 33-40 , and ready to be capped at 48-49 when you reach level 19-21 depending on position and alg's. (shot for enough BT to raise your second attribute to 61.51 by level 25)

These advise are for builds with 4 main attributes... But WR:s got 5 main so your ALG:s are not that high, but i belive you should be able to get your main to 81-85 by your first season

Catch22 open builds are good examples to how you want them to look like by the end:


Well he didnt have any posession builds, so i couldnt find any good examples of posession builds
Edited by kakashi on Nov 25, 2012 15:37:41
Edited by kakashi on Nov 25, 2012 15:32:38
Edited by kakashi on Nov 25, 2012 15:28:53

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