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Forum > Position Talk > WR Club > Finishing first season for Speed WR...Speed at 81...need advise please
I have been away from GLB for probably 8 seasons. Just coming back trying to remember how to build players properly.

Please take a look at my WR.

Just finishing first season. I have been multi-training Speed/Agil./Vision/Catching all season.

I just did my 3 boost and added most of my SP's to speed up to through 3 caps.

What do you think?

Thanks dtf
I've built a couple of receivers recently.

I reckon cap speed twice more before going on to catching, but that's 'cause I massively rate speed in receivers. Holding off on catching will be shit for a season but I think the future benefits are worth it. Good job on not getting SAs.
Originally posted by cap_07
I've built a couple of receivers recently.

I reckon cap speed twice more before going on to catching, but that's 'cause I massively rate speed in receivers. Holding off on catching will be shit for a season but I think the future benefits are worth it. Good by DownloadNSave">job on not getting SAs.

Thanks for your help.

You pretty much answered my next question.

So here is what I am thinking...

Continue to Multi-train all next season.

Capping speed 2 more times.

After 2 more speed caps, cap out both Catching and Agility to the 60 cap, only adding points when I can hit the cap.

Then figure out to do from there.

What do you think?

That's what I'd do. Only other thing to mention is AEQ - a catch ball % is basically vital (which I missed out for my guys and am regretting...)
Originally posted by cap_07
That's what I'd do. Only other thing to mention is AEQ - a catch ball % is basically vital (which I missed out for my guys and am regretting...)

Thanks. I totally forgot about rolling for AEQ.

When or what level should I start rolling for a catch ball increase?

I've always bought AEQ rather than rolling for it, it's expensive but you can get catch ball and increase speed by +3 that way.

Any other agents got views?
Edited by cap_07 on Nov 14, 2012 13:20:18
Originally posted by cap_07
I've always bought AEQ rather than rolling for it, it's expensive but you can get catch ball and increase speed by +3 that way.

Any other agents got views?

K. I didn't even know you could buy the AEQ you wanted. Didn't do that when I last played.


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