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will end up at 1450-1460 build value, 163 spd with VAs, 171 with streaky.

What I don't need:
- To be in the best team ever
- To start
- To get a lot of plays
- To be in a WL team

What I do need:
- To have my player be used for what he was built for, meaning blitzing. If you don't intend of blitzing him, don't show interest in him, he's not your LB.
- To find a team that will want him for the full length of the plateau (if and only if the need above is met).

I don't mind if he gets snaps at special teams or some snaps as non-blitzer, but really, this guy's every VA and SA are aimed at blitzing, pick him up and use him for that, or don't pick him up.
Found a team, thanks everyone for the interest.
Damn Hag. Wish I would have seen this sooner

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