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I never get the ball.
brandon hardy (Lv. 13 WR)
Ht/Wt: 6'4", 189lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $1954
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 9
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 217/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 19
Speed: 27.96 (+2)
Agility: 24.96
Jumping: 18.96 (+1)
Stamina: 21.96
Vision: 21.96 (+3)
Confidence: 18

Football Skills
Blocking: 12
Catching: 27.96 (+2)
Tackling: 12
Throwing: 10
Carrying: 26
Kicking: 10
Punting: 9

Special Abilities
Possession Receiver Abilities
Route Running: 3
Sticky Hands: 4
Jumping Catch: 2
Diving Catch: 2
One Handed Catch: 2

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 2
Quick Cut: 3
Head Fake: 2
Spin: 3
Juke: 2

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Strength: -14.25
Speed: -19.47
Agility: -18.72
Jumping: -13.47
Stamina: -16.47
Vision: -14.22
Confidence: -13.5
Blocking: -9
Tackling: -9
Throwing: -7.5
Catching: -19.47
Carrying: -19.5
Kicking: -7.5
Punting: -6.75
Edited by brandon7395 on Jul 14, 2012 17:13:16
you put skill points in SA's way too early. Also your WR is so slow a defensive tackle could guard him. Retire this guy and start again on day 40. Focus on speed, agility, vision and catching. Strength, jumping and others you don't have to worry about until later.

Also when you use equipment put all your equipment to boost one stat. Either catching or speed but i'd recommend speed.

Just noticed your WR's age as well. RETIRE HIM HE'S LIKE 50 YEARS OLD!!! who would throw a 50 year old man the ball when he's 50 lvls lower than every other player on your team. The only player worth throwing to when he's 50 would be Donald Driver he plays that long XD.
Sorry to say but I agree. SA will always be there at the same cost. I don't think it's worth trying to correct. You need to follow one of the many plans posted.

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