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Forum > Position Talk > HB Club > General question about my HB
I have a running back who is at the second soft cap in his speed. My question is should be multi training with speed as one of the trained skills until i get it into the 80's without eq or should i train 4 completely different skills and just put sp's into the speed. I guess this would relate to most of my other players as well should you train you rmain attribute until you get it to where you want it or focus on other areas with training and just put sp's into the main one.

thanks for any help you can give guys/girls
Yes, speed should be in your quad multi train in the first slot. I'm assuming you have already unlocked 2,3 and 4. Keep it in your multi until you reach 85-90.
agreed. You keep it in multi until you hit your desired level. At least high 80s to 90.

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