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Player Build
Position: fb_scat_back
Level: 79
VA: 68

Enough BT's for 3 Pieces of AEQ

strength : 49
speed : 157.06 (+55)
agility : 91.07
jumping : 49.26
stamina : 61
vision : 73.07
confidence : 48.26
blocking : 48.26
throwing : 8
catching : 74.07
carrying : 73.26
tackling : 8
kicking : 8
punting : 8

Top SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 6 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: | 10 | (spin)

1 Piece Spin AEQ
2 Empty pieces of AEQ. Suggestions?
all 3 Bonuses from CEQ into Sticky Hands

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