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Forum > Suggestions > Team leaders suggestion
Can we please have the same stats in the league leaders as the team leaders?

There are a few things I would like to be able to look at quickly like hurries and sacks allowed for instance that show up on the league leaders but not the teams leaders.

Seems like this should be simple and while its not a game changer it could be useful to see of the stats that are not currently showing up.
I assume you mean basically like i suggest here that you want a drop down in the team leader page to have raw stats and blowout adjusted stats to be selectable?

If so +1
Im confused. I just mean rather it be raw or blowout adjusted that the stats be the same for the league and the team.

IE: Your Qb is getting the shit sacked out of him so you can look at your team leaders page and see who is giving up the most sacks and/or hurries. Maybe theres an issue there and you can address it. Theres not many differences and this is just 1 example. It just needs to be the same.


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