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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Odd pass- QB throws ball laterally to WR 12 yards down field. - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I know something like this has been submitted before but i can't find it in a brief scouting through the forums. This is about the closest but it's not quite the same: since it deals with a no look pass.
This play the QB throws a strange pass to a wr down the field but throws it as if it were a screen. No deflection or bad pass message, nor a hurry. Wasn't even significant pressure coming at the time he throws it.

Play was 5 WR hitch corners (medium WR pass)
WR in question is WR2, which has a come back route but not that far back.

Likely just a one time anomaly but thought i'd toss it up in case this is still filed someplace or something new changed. I would likely attribute it to pressure but usually the QB would toss it out of bounds or at least at the WR.

Can adjust the title to make it more clear, was the best i could come up with.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 10, 2012 07:49:35 (obsolete)
Edited by TruthHammer on Nov 8, 2011 11:31:06 (Needs more info - replays)
I was going to pick on your QB, but I'm pretty sure he beat my team's ass like 2 seasons ago.
Ali Khaman
I'm not 100% sure because the pressure isn't THAT hot on the guy, but....

He could just be throwing the ball away to avoid the sack and since Otto is the closest eligible to the ball, it gets flagged as a "to Otto" pass. I'm not sure I've looked at enough "throw the ball away" plays to know what they look like in replays, though. Technically, if this was accurate to the rules in any way, it would be intentional grounding since it wasn't near a receiver or didn't get near the line of scrimmage. So I suspect that this is just some sort of standard "throw the ball away' play that does the job of throwing it away correctly, but it doesn't "look" exactly right on the replay.

Maybe. lol

ADDED: looking at the other thread - and then more at this play, I'm probably wrong in my observations - though I'll leave it there for reference anyway.
Edited by Ali Khaman on Oct 29, 2011 04:37:28
Originally posted by Ali Khaman
I'm not 100% sure because the pressure isn't THAT hot on the guy, but....

He could just be throwing the ball away to avoid the sack and since Otto is the closest eligible to the ball, it gets flagged as a "to Otto" pass. I'm not sure I've looked at enough "throw the ball away" plays to know what they look like in replays, though. Technically, if this was accurate to the rules in any way, it would be intentional grounding since it wasn't near a receiver or didn't get near the line of scrimmage. So I suspect that this is just some sort of standard "throw the ball away' play that does the job of throwing it away correctly, but it doesn't "look" exactly right on the replay.

Maybe. lol

ADDED: looking at the other thread - and then more at this play, I'm probably wrong in my observations - though I'll leave it there for reference anyway.

Thrown away passes actually say thrown away in the description so no idea what this was.
Lead Bugs Mod
I'll move this to the NMI subforum to try to get more replays
Lead Bugs Mod
Thread moved by moderator.
Wow a miracle happened, i saw it happen again to a team we played

Target was WR 2 who was 10 yards away from the pass. I don't have any info on the players, they were our opponents.
Happens again here though this one was under pressure WR2 again.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
This thread is now obsolete, due to various pass game/QB lead mechanics changes.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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