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Forum > Position Talk > K/P Club > Punter AEQ question

Alright, I currently have 1 AEQ piece, it's a +3 Punting, +1 Big boot. I just rolled at the AEQ store and what do ya know? The first piece that pops up is another +3 Punting +1 Big boot. Should I buy it and roll with two pieces in BB?

I was originally planning a 3 AEQ build so I could multi-train for his entire career... but I could shift to 4 AEQ so I can have a piece in each SA... or if I stay 3 AEQ and buy this... which SA should I neglect? TBH I like both Calm Nerves and Hang Time... but I'm not really sure if they do anything at all, while I've seen a difference from adding Big Boot.
i like an AE for each SA, not sure you need that much in one SA.
At this point, just get one more for hang time and run CN up with your CE. I would not recommend any SP into big boot as it will be 13 with AE+CE
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Sep 17, 2011 15:42:49
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
At this point, just get one more for hang time and run CN up with your CE. I would not recommend any SP into big boot as it will be 13 with AE+CE

Yeah, sure I understand the diminishing returns of SA's, but at end build I could still drop 4 SP's in to bring it to 15, at that point I still think the benefit is greater than what I lose by putting points in there. How important to a punter do you think the Big boot SA is?
I don't think the 4 sp is worth bothering with. Use it to push your majors higher. In fact you should have capped strength a while back. OTOH if you really think that the extra 2 SA is worth it by all means go ahead and do it.
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Sep 20, 2011 08:30:45

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