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John Gray
Player Conversion

Existing players will be converted to a new age equivalent based upon the following conversion factors. Ages will be rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Day 0-19 .9
Day 20-29 .85
Day 30-39 .8
Day 40-79 .7
Day 80-119 .65
Day 120-159 .6
Day 160-199 .54
Day 200-239 .56
Day 240-279 .56
Day 280-399 .57
Day 400-440 .6
Day 441-560 (for players in plateau) subtract 160 days
Day 441-560 (for players not in plateau) no conversion
Day 561 no conversion

Looking at the above, it would seem that most teams at this level will join the 120-159.6 age group next season. I would imagine that would result in our players being very much towards the low end of that age range and so on for the forseeable future!

What are your thoughts on this?

I guess the bulk will of players in that league will be day 20 and have benefitted from boosting while day zero but if you did not boost while day zero you could be quite behind players closer to day 159!
actually the conversion for most players in prep this season will be on day 120, which means everyone will be age 72 next season.

The .6 is not part of the 159 That's what you multiply your age by.


Which means by this chart
Season 24

0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
21-60 - Prep
41-80 - University
61-100 - Local Minor
81-120 - Regional Minor
101-140 - National Minor
121-160 - Upper National Minor
141-200 - Semi Pro
181-Uncapped - Regional Pro
181-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Most teams in prep this season will end up in university next season (as we would have normally)
Dr. E
Originally posted by alindyl
actually the conversion for most players in prep this season will be on day 120, which means everyone will be age 72 next season.

The .6 is not part of the 159 That's what you multiply your age by.


Which means by this chart
Season 24

0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
21-60 - Prep
41-80 - University
61-100 - Local Minor
81-120 - Regional Minor
101-140 - National Minor
121-160 - Upper National Minor
141-200 - Semi Pro
181-Uncapped - Regional Pro
181-Uncapped - National Pro/World League

Most teams in prep this season will end up in university next season (as we would have normally)

That's how I interpret it also.
John Gray
That makes more sense, and as such makes it far more reasonable to continue on as well.
Actually, looking at the New League Request drop down menu it looks like this
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
21-80 - Prep
61-120 - University
By my calculations all our 120d dots who will convert to 72d dots will still be eligible for prep again. This is of course if the drop down menu is correct. If so, then we could all elect to stay in Prep so our dots start out near the max age for the level giving them a higher advantage. However, I do not know if they retract some of your money and stadium if you elect to stay in the same level.

Thoughts? Inside knowledge?
Guppy, Inc
i thought the announcement was that teams would be placed in the lowest league that they are eligible for. so all prep teams should stay prep or lower from what i can deduce.
They haven't implemented the change yet so what you are seeing in the drop down list probably isn't the "new" leagues. Links right to the league changes.

In S24 they are reducing the age of prep to 60 days max.

So as mentioned, anyone who is 120 days at the end of the season will be age 72 and will be placed into the new university league which covers up to 80 days.

John Gray
Originally posted by Gigolo Johnny D
Actually, looking at the New League Request drop down menu it looks like this
0 - Rookie
1-40 - Sophomore
21-80 - Prep
61-120 - University
By my calculations all our 120d dots who will convert to 72d dots will still be eligible for prep again. This is of course if the drop down menu is correct. If so, then we could all elect to stay in Prep so our dots start out near the max age for the level giving them a higher advantage. However, I do not know if they retract some of your money and stadium if you elect to stay in the same level.

Thoughts? Inside knowledge?

Q: The age conversion will cause my team to stay at or move to a lower level. Will my stadium/cash be reset?

A: No, it will not. If your team's level is directly impacted as a result of this change, nothing will be reset. If, however, you are requesting to go from a high level to Rookie/Sophomore or something much lower leveled, then yes your stadium/cash will still be reset.

Cool. Thanks.

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