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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Where to put points?!
I have 4 sp left over (level 13) and speed is 5:1 right now. So when I level up again I'll still have 4 sp left? Soooo should I put them somewhere right now? and if so, where?
Are you planning on 3x boosting him at the start of next season? If so, that's 19 total SP's you'll have banked. Assuming your 5/1 cap is at the bare-minimum 73 speed, you must reach 77.29 to reach the next cap. Spending 15 SP's of your 19 brings your speed up to 76, but factoring in ALG it might push it barely to 77.29. Basically, the 3x boost should make your speed the 6/1 cap, even if it's bare-minimum 73 speed.

There's nothing wrong with saving SP's. SP's will only slow down your training. Just bank'em. If you're not accomplishing any caps with them, then there's no point in putting them anywhere. Yes, you'll be better spending them in the short-term, but no one will care how well you performed at level 13. Hell, most people don't care even until lvl ~40'ish, because everyone's banking tokens, shopping, capping stats, and god knows what.
Edited by ReMeDy on Jan 6, 2011 06:34:55

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