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Forum > Position Talk > FB Club > Lower Shoulder vs. Power Thru
Yoshida Saucy
I have a FB with 2nd cap on strength, with <20 speed, <20 agility. Still early build, as you can see. But my goal is to lead the league in broken tackles per carry.

I was just wondering, between Lower Shoulder and Power Thru, which one would be more effective for breaking tackles. Also, if I have 4SP to spend, what would happen if I put 2 SP in each of these SA? Or, would it be better to put all 4SP into one SA or the other? Meaning, is a 3 Lower the Shoulder better than a 2 Lower the Shoulder with 2 Power Thru as well?

probably better off not putting any SP into SAs until much much later in the build.

at which point id say power thru. imo.

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