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#1) San Antonio Saviours 15-0 (16-0)
#2) Gashlycrumb Tinies 13-2 (14-2)
#3) Dayton Pee Wee Flight 12-2-1 (13-2-1)
#4) Solway Stramash 12-3 (12-4)
#5-6) Yellowknife Rent-To-Own Mules 11-4 and Las Vegas Gamblers 10-4-1 (playing each other in Wk 16)
#7) Belfast Bubonic Babies 10-5 (10-6)
#8) UT Pimps 8-7 (9-7)

#1) Gondwana Raptors 15-0 (16-0)
#2-4) Grove Street Gangstas (formerly Saint Gobain) 13-2 and Who Gives a Flyin' Fornication? 12-3 (playing each other in Wk 16) and The Texas Legends 12-3 (13-3)
#5) Screaming Nazguls 11-4 (12-4)
#6) Frankfurt (Oder) Red Wings 10-5 (11-5)
#7) Wichita Wildmen 9-6 (9-7)
#8) Austin Wranglers 8-7 or Cambridge Crimson 8-7 (9-7)--Cambridge has tiebreaker, but faces a much tougher opponent in Wk 16

Brief Wk 15/16 discussion--If the Texas Legends win, and Grove Street beats WGAFF, 2-4 will be GSG, TTL, WGAFF. If WGAFF beats GSG, it'll go WGAFF, GSG, TTL. If TTL loses somehow, they'll be #4 regardless of what happens between GSG and WGAFF.
Edited by Gongadan on May 5, 2010 17:49:10
Edited by Gongadan on May 3, 2010 18:21:29
Edited by Gongadan on May 1, 2010 17:35:52
Edited by Gongadan on May 1, 2010 17:12:07
Edited by Gongadan on Apr 29, 2010 17:52:36
Well, it's week 12. Still early to be certain of anything, but I think it's fair to make some predictions.

#1) San Antonio Saviours 12-0
No-brainer. They've already beaten the Tinies and DPWF. The only two challenges they have left are the Las Vegas Gamblers and Solway Stramash.

#2) Gashlycrumb Tinies 10-2
Gashlycrumb is likely to make the #2 seed. Gashlycrumb still has to face Solway and Yellowknife. Losses to either of those teams may push Gashlycrumb down to the #3 or #4 slot. Likely finish: 14-2 or 13-3.

#3) Dayton Pee Wee Flight 9-2-1
Dayton has been very strong this season after a disappointing finish last season. They also have the hardest part of their schedule behind them, having already faced SAS, the Gamblers, and having faced and beaten Gashlycrumb, Yellowknife, and Solway. The only roadbumps left on their schedule are the UT Pimps and Belfast, each 7-5 right now. Dayton will likely finish the season 13-2-1.

#4) Solway Stramash 10-2
Solway is tied for the second-best record in the West right now, but they still have Gashlycrumb, the Gamblers and the Saviours remaining. Solway has held up strong so far this season, but three losses at the end could really push them lower in the playoff picture. Likely finish: 12-4.

#5-6) Yellowknife Rent-To-Own Mules 9-3 and Las Vegas Gamblers 9-2-1
The Gamblers currently have the better record, but they face a tough three opponents to finish the season--SAS, Solway, and then Yellowknife. The Mules still have Gashlycrumb and the Gamblers, so this spot may well come down to whoever can win that last game of the regular season.

#7-8) Belfast Bubonic Babies 7-5 and the UT Pimps 7-5
Both of these teams have most of their toughest opponents behind them. Neither team has faced DPWF yet, and neither team has faced each other. The #7 and #8 slots could well come down to which of these teams wins the head-to-head, unless one or the other team drops a game to one of the statistically weaker opponents they have not yet faced.

In the Hunt) Jersey Giants 5-7, Witonia LZS 5-7, and Mean Street Pugs 4-8 have an outside shot. If any of these teams wants to make the playoffs, they're going to have to basically win out and hope that some of the teams ahead of them lose a couple.

#1) Gondwana Raptors 12-0
The favorite in the East has to be the undefeated Raptors. Gondwana has been a solid S5 team for almost three seasons now, and this season they've proved too much for all of their opponents so far. They still have the Grove Street Gangstas and the Screaming Nazguls on their schedule; can they maintain their undefeated season?

#2-3) Grove Street Gangstas (formerly Saint Gobain) 11-1 and Screaming Nazguls 10-2
The Ganstas have the better record thus far, but could be troubled by their inactive former owner, who owns a number of players on the team. Both teams still have to face Gondwana and the Fokkers. In all likelihood, one of these teams will end up at #2, and the other will end up at #3.

#4) The Texas Legends 9-3
The Fokkers have the same record and hold the win tiebreaker over the Legends, but the Texas Legends have a much softer remaining schedule, only facing the Red Wings and the Wildmen. Look for the legends to end the season at 13-3 or 12-4, and possibly snatch the #3 slot if one of the team aboves them takes a nap.

#5) Who Gives a Flyin' Fornication? (Fokkers) 9-3
The Fokkers have won some big games this season, but they still have the Nazguls, Gangstas, Wildmen and Crimson to face. They'll have a tough time matching the Legends' likely 13-3 or 12-4 record.

#6) Frankfurt (Oder) Red Wings 8-4
The Red Wings have a pretty strong record, and have a pretty soft remaining schedule, only facing the Legends who are ranked above them. Look for Frankfurt to end at 11-5, and possibly bump up a slot if one of the teams ahead of them misses an opportunity.

#7-8) Cambridge Crimson 7-5, Wichita Wildmen 7-5, and San Quentin Convicts 6-6
I know, I know, that's three teams for two slots. But all of these teams have opportunities to pick up some big wins or some big losses to end the season. Each of them has at least two likely losses ahead of them, and possibly three. A team pulling an upset out of this group will solidify their position in the playoffs--a team with a surprise loss will likely end up on the outside looking in.

In the Hunt) Austin Wranglers 5-7
The Wranglers could easily pick up 3 wins at the end of the season, and may bump up into the #8 slot if two of the teams ahead of them struggle at the end of the season.
Edited by Gongadan on Apr 30, 2010 09:53:36
Edited by Gongadan on Apr 30, 2010 09:53:08
Edited by Gongadan on Apr 29, 2010 17:48:59
Edited by Gongadan on Apr 29, 2010 17:48:22
Well done Dan!
Joshua D
what if I say we all boost and most have CE? does that make anythign better?
Originally posted by lilpro
Well done Dan!

Joshua D
Originally posted by Gongadan
#1) Gondwana Raptors 12-0
The favorite in the East has to be the undefeated Raptors. Gondwana has been a solid S5 team for almost three seasons now, and this season they've proved too much for all of their opponents so far. They still have the Grove Street Gangstas and the Screaming Nazguls on their schedule; can they maintain their undefeated season?

Nope they can't maitain there undefeated season

Ironically, that's what happened to us last season as well.
Originally posted by Joshua D
Originally posted by Gongadan

#1) Gondwana Raptors 12-0
The favorite in the East has to be the undefeated Raptors. Gondwana has been a solid S5 team for almost three seasons now, and this season they've proved too much for all of their opponents so far. They still have the Grove Street Gangstas and the Screaming Nazguls on their schedule; can they maintain their undefeated season?

Nope they can't maitain there undefeated season

Haha, probably a good call. Those are definately our 2 toughest games of the season coming up.
Week 13 now; starting to get a little clearer. None of these picks are locks (except maybe SAS), but there's not much room left to maneuver.

#1) San Antonio Saviours 13-0
No-brainer. They've already beaten the Tinies and DPWF. The only two challenges they have left are the Las Vegas Gamblers and Solway Stramash.

#2) Gashlycrumb Tinies 11-2
Gashlycrumb is likely to make the #2 seed. Gashlycrumb still has to face Yellowknife. A loss there may push Gashlycrumb down to the #3 slot behind DPWF. Likely finish: 14-2.

#3) Dayton Pee Wee Flight 10-2-1
Dayton has been very strong this season after a disappointing finish last season. They also have the hardest part of their schedule behind them, having already faced SAS, the Gamblers, and having faced and beaten Gashlycrumb, Yellowknife, and Solway. The only roadbump left on their schedule is Belfast, 8-5 right now. Dayton will likely finish the season 13-2-1.

#4-6) Solway Stramash 10-3, Yellowknife Rent-To-Own Mules 10-3 and Las Vegas Gamblers 10-2-1
Solway fell to fifth-best record in the West with their loss to Gashlycrumb. They still have the Gamblers and the Saviours remaining. Solway has held up strong so far this season, but two more losses at the end could really push them lower in the playoff picture. Likely finish: 12-4 or 11-5.

The Gamblers currently have the best record of the three, but they face a tough three opponents to finish the season--SAS, Solway, and then Yellowknife. The Mules still have Gashlycrumb and the Gamblers, so this spot may well come down to whoever can win that last game of the regular season. Gamblers likely finish 12-3-1 or 11-4-1, Mules 12-4 or 11-5.

#7-8) Belfast Bubonic Babies 8-5 and the UT Pimps 7-6
Both of these teams have most of their toughest opponents behind them. UT lost their battle with DPWF, but Belfast has yet to face them. Also, neither team has faced each other. The #7 and #8 slots could well come down to which of these teams wins the head-to-head, unless one or the other team drops a game to one of the statistically weaker opponents they have not yet faced, or Belfast upsets DPWF. Likely finishes: 10-6 or 9-7.

Praying) Jersey Giants, Witonia LZS, and Mean Street Pugs (all 5-8) have a very slim outside shot. If any of these teams wants to make the playoffs, they're going to have to basically win out and hope UT or Belfast falls apart. If any of them drops any more games, we can basically strike them out of the playoff picture unless UT totally implodes.

#1) Gondwana Raptors 13-0
The favorite in the East has to be the undefeated Raptors. Gondwana has been a solid S5 team for almost three seasons now, and this season they've proved too much for all of their opponents so far. They still have the Grove Street Gangstas and the Screaming Nazguls on their schedule; can they maintain their undefeated season? Likely finish: 15-1.

#2-3) Grove Street Gangstas (formerly Saint Gobain) 12-1 and Screaming Nazguls 11-2
The Ganstas have the better record thus far, but could be troubled by their inactive former owner, who owns a number of players on the team. Both teams still have to face Gondwana and the Fokkers. In all likelihood, one of these teams will end up at #2, and the other will end up at #3. Likely finishes: both 13-3.

#4) The Texas Legends 10-3
The Fokkers have the same record and hold the win tiebreaker over the Legends, but the Texas Legends have a much softer remaining schedule, only facing the Red Wings and the Wildmen. The Legends might snatch the #3 slot if one of the teams above them takes a nap. Likely finish: 13-3 or 12-4

#5) Who Gives a Flyin' Fornication? (Fokkers) 10-3
The Fokkers have won some big games this season, but they still have the Nazguls, Gangstas, and Crimson to face. They'll have a tough time matching the Legends' likely record. Likely finish: 12-4 or 11-5.

#6) Frankfurt (Oder) Red Wings 9-4
The Red Wings have a pretty strong record, and have a pretty soft remaining schedule, only facing the Legends who are ranked above them. Likely finish: 12-4 or 11-5.

#7-8) Cambridge Crimson 7-6 and Wichita Wildmen 7-6
Each of these teams has at least one more likely loss ahead of them, and possibly two. A team pulling an upset out of this pair will solidify their position in the playoffs--a team with a surprise loss will likely end up on the outside looking in.

In the Hunt) Austin Wranglers 6-7 and San Quentin Convicts 6-7
The Wranglers could easily pick up 3 wins at the end of the season, and may bump up into the #8 slot if one of the teams ahead of them struggle at the end of the season. The Convicts have the same record and a tougher remaining schedule, but if they pull an upset or two they could move up into a playoff slot.
Pretty well down to the wire now; by week 14, most of the playoff slots are fairly certain.

#1) San Antonio Saviours 14-0 (16-0)
The only team that really stands between SAS and an undefeated regular season is Solway Stramash.

#2) Gashlycrumb Tinies 12-2 (14-2)
Short of a miracle, this is now a lock.

#3) Dayton Pee Wee Flight 11-2-1 (13-2-1)
Only Belfast remains as a challenge for DPWF. Belfast is pretty good, but DPWF has proven to be an elite S5W team this season.

#4-6) Solway Stramash 11-3, Yellowknife Rent-To-Own Mules 10-4 and Las Vegas Gamblers 10-3-1
Yellowknife has the worst record right now, but they've got a pretty certain win coming up against the Ninja Squirrels. Solway has a pretty certain loss coming to SAS, but the other games are all within this group of 3. The team that wins those matchups will end up on top, and the team that loses will come out on bottom.

#7-8) Belfast Bubonic Babies 9-5 and the UT Pimps 8-6
The Babies and the Pimps face off next week, where they'll no doubt decide who gets the #7 spot, and who gets to face SAS in the opening round.

#1) Gondwana Raptors 14-0 (16-0)
They still have the Grove Street Gangstas, but their recent games prove they came to play this season.

#2) Grove Street Gangstas (formerly Saint Gobain) 13-1 (14-2 or 13-3)
Grove Street is performing very well under new management. To be honest, I expected their absent former owner to have a bigger impact on them.

#3-5) Screaming Nazguls 11-3, The Texas Legends 11-3, and Who Gives a Flyin' Fornication? (Fokkers) 11-3
All three of these teams have the same record, and the last couple of games feature some exciting matchups here. One of these three teams will be #3, and the other two will likely be 4 and 5. My guess? The Legends will snatch the #3 spot with their softer remaining schedule, leaving the Nazguls and Fornicators to fight it out in the first game of the playoffs. The Flyin' Fokkers have the toughest remaining schedule, and will likely end up at #6, despite holding the tiebreaker over the Legends.

#6) Frankfurt (Oder) Red Wings 10-4 (11-5 or 12-4)
The Red Wings have managed three straight wins, but they have a tough matchup with the Legends next week. Their last game of the season will likely be a win, so they could jump up to a higher seed with a win over the Legends.

#7) Wichita Wildmen 8-6 (9-7)
The Wildmen have moved up to the top of the pack of four that are vying for the #7 and #8 slots. They will likely win one and lose one at the end of the season to end up at 9-7.

#8) Austin Wranglers 7-7, Cambridge Crimson 7-7, or San Quentin Convicts 6-8
Austin has the best record and holds tiebreakers over both of the other teams in this group. If they beat the Red Wings, they're in. Crimson has two comparatively easy games left, but have to hope that the Wranglers drop one or the Wildmen somehow lose both. And still hanging around are the Convicts; they have a couple of relatively easy games left, and if they win both they could edge up into the #8 slot someone above them totally collapses.
Joshua D
how do they pick 3-5 if we have the same W-L record? Who scored the most in the season?
Originally posted by Joshua D
how do they pick 3-5 if we have the same W-L record? Who scored the most in the season?
There are several tiebreakers. The first tiebreaker is winner of head-to-head. In the case of a tie (or a round-robin unbroken tie--A beats B, B beats C, C beats A), it goes on to points allowed, IIRC. I don't know what the tiebreaker after that would be.
#8) Austin Wranglers 7-7

That's sort of good news/bad news: Congrats you made the playoffs!, go play the undefeated Raptors in round one. If there was a draft I'd tank for a better pick---LOL.

Thanks for the great write-ups.
#1) San Antonio Saviours 15-0 (16-0)
#2) Gashlycrumb Tinies 13-2 (14-2)
#3) Dayton Pee Wee Flight 12-2-1 (13-2-1)
#4) Solway Stramash 12-3 (12-4)
#5-6) Yellowknife Rent-To-Own Mules 11-4 and Las Vegas Gamblers 10-4-1
These two teams face off in Week 16 to see who gets to play Solway, and who has to face Dayton in the first round of the playoffs.

#7) Belfast Bubonic Babies 10-5 (10-6)
#8) UT Pimps 8-7 (9-7)

#1) Gondwana Raptors 15-0 (16-0)
#2-4) Grove Street Gangstas (formerly Saint Gobain) 13-2 and Who Gives a Flyin' Fornication? 12-3 (playing each other in Wk 16) and The Texas Legends 12-3 (13-3)
The Texas Legends will likely win in week 16. If they lose, they'll end up in the 4th spot regardless of what happens between Grove Street and Who Gives.

The Grove Street/Who Gives matchup in week 16 is really exciting. If Grove Street wins, they'll earn the #2 spot, WGAFF will fall to #4, and the Legends will jump up into #3.

If WGAFF beats Grove Street and the Legends lose (unlikely), WGAFF will jump up into the #2 spot, Grove Street will fall to #3, and the Legends will end up at #4.

If the Legends win their game, and WGAFF beats Grove Street, we'd have a 3-way tie at 13-3. Both Grove Street and WGAFF hold the tiebreaker over TTL. So even if the Legends win their last game, if WGAFF beats Grove Street, it'll go WGAFF, GSG, TTL.

#5) Screaming Nazguls 11-4 (12-4)
#6) Frankfurt (Oder) Red Wings 10-5 (11-5)
#7) Wichita Wildmen 9-6 (9-7)
#8) Austin Wranglers 8-7 or Cambridge Crimson 8-7
Cambridge has tiebreaker, but faces a much tougher opponent in Wk 16. Cambridge will probably get the #8 spot, but Austin could snatch it away if they win in week 16, and Cambridge loses.
Not that I'm saying it's gonna happen, but if Las Vegas lose and Belfast win this week, Belfast will be 6 & the Gamblers drop to 7.

Just throwing the possibility out there, before the results are in......

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