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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > January 25th Q & A With Catch22 And Other Admins
Originally posted by joemalaka
If you would have won we would have never seen you do this. Don't even try to say you would still bring up the Flex part of it.. you might bring up the dumb question part, but flex wouldn't be part of your bitch.

You know me so well. I'd have still done this. My understanding of the premise of this forum was to be able to ask questions of the game.
Not A Mod
I expect the "quality" of these sessions will vary significantly from week to week as there are a lot of variables:

- what questions were asked
- what questions were selected
- how much time does Bort have to spend answering them
- what are the hot forum topics of the day
- etc
- etc

and even then - individual people will have different opinions about them - for some - this week may have been better than last week (ie it addressed issues important to them).

For me - the first session was more interesting/informative TO ME - but I still enjoyed this one...

Some sessions are going to be better than others. That's just a fact; I'm afraid.
well and to be honest, going through 200 e-mails, going through the questions and determining which ones are relevant, submitting them to the Admins for answering, and then compiling in post form is a pretty time consuming task. This is why I am bringing on some Q & A mods to help me out. Their assistance will only make the sessions better and the information available to users more accessible and easier to find.
That sounds like something right up my ally
I would imagine with Q &A mods even the older ?s can be looked at and determined relevant at a future date
Edited by Robbnva on Jan 25, 2010 10:23:31
Originally posted by Catch22
As for the questions not being as good as the first week - I'd say about 1/2 of the questions we got were suggestions... things like "Why can't we have it to where so and so does so and so?" - those aren't questions, they are merely suggestions reworded to look like a question (I still gave all of those people entries into the flex contest however). Another good percentage of the questions were ones asked in the previous session already (coaching). If we see a question multiple times, we're likely going to include it. While many people might already know the answer to the question, this Q & A session is for every one not just people who have been here forever and know all the answers to everything already.

As always, the Discussion session is an opportunity to ask questions that you have - while there is no guarantee your question will get answered, if last week is any indication the chances are good that you will receive a response.

The questions that were chosen had little to do with the mechanics of the game. I can tell you I know for certain that there were questions asked regarding the CB/WR interaction and PD/INT scores. Were those questions not chosen because you prefer that they be addressed by Bort in the discussion thread? I can understand if you don't want the original Q&A from each week to address game-mechanics questions since Bort only really knows and he appears to not be one of the admins answering the questions (is he?), but it would be nice to know the scope of the questions that you'll respond to so that we don't waste our 1 question per session on something that is never going to be answered.
We had a lot of questions regarding CB/WR interaction the previous week and I didn't want to go into them again. Just because you don't think questions have value to you doesn't mean they don't have value to others. This isn't a Game Mechanics Q & A, it's a GLB Q & A.

You're always welcome to ask your questions in the Discussion and if Bort is there I am sure he will try and answer them.
Edited by Catch22 on Jan 25, 2010 10:32:00
For Q & A Mods, do they have to really know anything about the game. Or do they just read through emails and see if they think a question is worth asking
Thread locked by moderator.

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