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Forum > Team Press Releases > USA Press Releases > Fort Richardson Redskins Jeffrey Turner holds second Press Conference
G.O.D Turner
Reporter: "Hello everyone, and welcome to Fort Richardson Field, where for the second time in one week, Redskins backup Quarterback Jeff Turner has called the Press inside once again. For those of you just now hearing about this developing story, here's a quick snippet from his last Q&A session right here, about 4 days ago..."

Turner: "Thank you all for coming on such short notice, and I have one announcement, then I'll open for some brief questions so bear with me here, uh. Over the past few weeks, I've been asking for playing time from Coach SkinsFan, and I'll tell you why; when this team formed, I was the starter, and I realize that things change, but...this situation with PeyTom ManBrady coming on and taking the top spot at Quarterback, well...let's just say that when he was signed, I was told that I may still be starting regardless, and it's gone from the Coach saying he and I would split playing time, to him playing, and me coming in for at most 10 snaps per game, and only half of those passing downs. I am hereby putting myself on the trade block, and will converse with the Coach immediately after this so it becomes official, but I want my name out there as soon as is humanly possible."

Reporter 1: "Excuse me, excuse me uh...Dale Jefferson, Channel is this what we can expect from you wherever you go? Immediately start calling to be traded if you're not starting?"

Turner: "I don't really have a problem with not starting, I have a problem with being lied to about the amount of playing time I was going to get. When you compare splitting snaps with the starter, and getting 10 or less snaps per game the last three weeks, there IS no comparison."

Reporter 2: "Rat Pobertson, channel 11. Jeff, for scouts out there who may be interested, what is your style of play - obviously, per your own words, they won't know by watching the games."

Reporter: "So you see, ladies and gentlemen, this could get REALLY ugly, and get that way...really fast. Let's go inside."


Turner: "Thanks for coming once again, and on short notice again. I have a quick thing to say, and then as before will take a few questions and then we'll be outta here."

"First of all, I'm hereby officially retracting me desire to be traded from Fort Richardson, and have come to an understanding with Coach SkinsFan about where the team is headed, and where my role is on that team. I no longer wish to be traded, and my agent will be contacting any team who we've spoken with in negotiations about this decision immediately. Now a few questions, if you have any..."

Reporter 1: "Jeffrey, thanks for having us uhh...Richard Gurglson here with Channel 12 News at Night. Now, you were adamant about leaving this team, and even were aggressive when asked about the playing time situation. Obviously you were extremely upset only days ago, what's changed? Was it that you never did seal a deal with another team?"

Turner: "Well, Dick, it's very simple really. When I held the last Conference, I was ignorant of the situations at hand, and you could've even called me greedy for playing time, when the team was winning. Make no mistake, throughout the entirety of the few days my Agent and I were trying to set something up with another team to pick me up we were also in contact with Coach SkinsFan probably more than anyone. He always ended the talks with the idea that he didn't want to get rid of me, and seemed to be genuine. After understanding the reasoning behind my lack of time on the field - as hard as it was to accept - it's easier for me to go back and return to my spot on the Redskins team."

Reporter 2: "Bjorn Thorgmussen, rogue reporter from Sveden, Hyeff Tyurner. Vere hue promished flayink time?"

Turner: "Playing time? I understand more now than I did before. The games I sat the majority of were tough games where the number one's on the team needed to be in the game most of the time to win. It's a hard pill to swallow for my ego, but I think it may be a good learning experience for me to understand my place. I'm a Rookie, and need to start acting like one. I'm not the best QB alive, so I have to buckle down and take the snaps I can get, and do what's best for the team. I wasn't thinking that way before. I was simply thinking about how I could advance my career and be the first string guy again."

"No more questions. I'll end with a public apology to Coach SkinsFan for publicly discrediting him here a few days ago, and apologize to my teammates for throwing this at them in the middle of a possible Playoff Season our first time out. I hope to see the field, but when the big dogs come to town, I understand now that I'll need to take a back seat and turn Cheerleader for a while, and trust my teammates to do their best."

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