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Forum > Team Press Releases > USA Press Releases > San Jose Players Given Gag Order???
Jake Rawburst
After recent comments made by Chupacabra players, the San Jose Defensive Co-ordinator gave an inpromtu interview to local bloggers regarding player conduct and the big loss on home turf this past week.

"We got beat, plain and simple." coach Kurt Reynolds said calmly and clearly. "We had a plan, we felt good going into the week and things didn't happen the way we would've liked, clearly." When asked to respond to comments made by some of the San Jose players, Reynolds became quite stoic and serious. "Players play, writers write and coaches coach." When pushed to elaborate, the visably annoyed coach Reynolds shocked the entire room, and shot back angrily that "...these guys better be ready for a m***er f***in' Mexican street fight this week, if not we'll be making some moves." When asked if he was concerned about his job being included in these moves, Reynolds looked at the small crowd of internet bloggers smiled, and said "I'm here to win games in any capacity, they can cut my pay, bench me or whatever they want, whatever takes to win...I'm here to win f***in' games man! I don't wanna Pulitzer, I wanna beat people, punch them in the throat and leave with the W, that's it...I'm not gonna stop people from talking to you guys. If people wanna talk, well"

And with that, Reynolds walked slowly out of the room and directly into the film room, where he stayed until long after all of us bloggers had gone home to our fish.

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