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Forum > Team Press Releases > Rookie QB Chambers Makes Debut in Win vs Miami
NFLSpot Spotter QB Josh Chambers took time to sit down with our own Lisa Wright, and here is the interview:

Reporter: Josh, you came into the game, your first game on the professional level, and absolutely dominated, taking "Most Valuable Player" of the game honors as well. Were butterflies effecting you at all?

Josh: Well my teamates really did a good job of executing the plays, we all came in a little nervous and im sure everyone had some butterflies, but we showed we can play this week, and hopefully carry that out to next game vs Milwaukee.

Reporter: On the game winning drive, you were taken out for the td play, and Gunn was put in, why was that?

Josh: Well we thought we could catch Miami's tough defense off guard, and coach threw a curve ball at em and it paid off, gotta hand it to this coaching staff, they gave us the best possible blue print to win the game, and thats all I can ask for.

Reporter: What are your feelings towards the significance of this upset? I mean everyone was quick to write your team off because of Miami's hardnosed, well rounded defense, but you guys never shook, you went right at them and scored first off a 35 yard field goal by kicker George Blanda. What are your feelings now?

Josh: Defense needs to get all the credit in the world for this one, i mean, we knew coming in it was going to be a defensive game, they had the "Big Names" and we had the better players, ha! Well I guess it seemed like that on the field. But yea like I said the defense wanted to send a message that we weren't going to play any games, and it gave us great field position to run our offense and make plays.

Reporter: You talked about Tyler Pain before the season, and how he was going to be one of your favorite targets. You were right, 9 catches this game, really coming out of his shell. What can you say about that?

Josh: Yea, Tyler got a lot of oppurtunities, along with Grant, Clay, and John. But thats just a part of our offense, we get those guys open and expect them to make plays, and thats what they did. Great overall performance.

Reporter: Thanks.

Josh: No problem and thank you.


Stats: 26/47, 262 yards, TD, 0 INT, 6 carries, 10 yards
Last edited Mar 29, 2008 07:31:39
Nice stats.

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