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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > Playcalling AI Auto-Adjust question
Setting the auto-adjust level in the playcalling AI INPUT >> does that only work when there are PLAYS in the Outputs, or does it also work for PACKAGES? (ie, call a failing package less, etc)

thnx in advance!
TJ Spikes
Both. Use with caution.

The play calling Ai will promote or demote the entire package. So if you have 1 play that kills, and 3 that suck, you may never get to the one that kills.

Packages are a mixed blessing for sure.

I'm thinking about getting away from using packages completely.

Theo Wizzago
What I was told was the Auto Adjust in the AI Input adjusts which packages, inside the input, it chooses from.
And the Auto Adjust inside the Packages adjust which plays, inside the package, it chooses from.

That always made sense and seems to be how it's worked... for me at least.
zz man
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
What I was told was the Auto Adjust in the AI Input adjusts which packages, inside the input, it chooses from.
And the Auto Adjust inside the Packages adjust which plays, inside the package, it chooses from.

That always made sense and seems to be how it's worked... for me at least.

As far as Im aware....

The rate at which the packages change plays is actually a probability %age... ie a package with 4 plays all at 25% and set to Medium will "throw out" plays quicker than a package with 1 play at 40% and 3 at 20%. The mathematics inside the package dont affect the AI setting
Theo Wizzago
That's kinda what I know as well. Packages are their own thing. If you have 4 plays inside, all set to 25% chance, then each has an equal shot at getting called. If different, (say 35-30-20-15?) then the highest % has the best chance of getting called. And the "Auto Adjust" inside the package only effects those 4 plays and the possibility of them getting called.
The AI Inputs simply look at the Outputs inside (which should contain the packages) and the %'s set for those work the same. If you have 4 Outputs inside an Input, and all 4 are set for 25% chance, then each has an equal shot at getting called... or if different, called based on % set for each Output. And "Auto Adjust" inside the Input only effects which Outputs get called and not the plays inside the packages.
Edited by Theo Wizzago on Dec 5, 2022 09:47:50
Edited by Theo Wizzago on Dec 4, 2022 21:30:12
Packages are just bags and boxes. The Ai doesn't give a flying fart what's in them. If a play works, that entire box of plays will get bumped up. If a play fails, that entire box of plays will get smashed down.

If you set the auto adjust inside the package, you shouldn't need the play calling auto adjust. If every play in your package sucks, you'll probably lose anyway.

I also have the same problem

my contac:
Edited by matdemure on Jul 11, 2023 04:18:19
Edited by matdemure on Jul 11, 2023 04:17:58
Edited by matdemure on Dec 15, 2022 18:24:03
not likely, bots don't play the game.

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