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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Pro League > Vike Fan's Playoff Predictions- Week 2

1vs5 Texathena Ninertaurs of Jersey Shore vs Rotterdam Blue Demons- Both teams come into this game as round 1 victors, but in completely different fashions. TNJS took it to zorin winning by triple digits, the demons were able to overcome the dreaded nachos and take down the fight club who beat them earlier in the season by 3 points. The first game of the season was one by TNJS who wore down the demons with their consistent scoring and smothering D. I see much of the same in this game between two great teams. Winner- Texathena Ninertaurs of Jersey Shore

2vs3 Bridgetown Rum Runners vs Hoosier Daddy's- Wow what a game we have here, is there any team hotter right now then the daddy's? After capturing the addicts tourny gold they decided it would be fun to beat the 7th team by 116 points. Bridgetown won this game handidly during the regular season but lost a close game to the daddy's in the addicts tourny. I think both teams are playing at the highest levels of dotball in all of casual pro and either of these two teams can come out the victor. Winner- Hoosier Daddy's


1vs4 DIABLO DOTS vs SKOL Vikings- In the battle of teams with CAPS LOCKS first names, DD and SKOL go for their third go around this season. SKOL took the regular season game, in what could have been the biggest upset in casual pro history....and then lost by 140+ the next day to the same dots. This time the vikings have to travel in their longboats all the way to hell blasting the immigrant song the entire way. DD is ready and led by one of the best special team in all of GLB the dots are ready to rumble. Winner- DIABLO DOTS

2vs6 Wild Thangs vs Virginia Assassins- In a battle between two great franchises that won't be here next season, the assassins and thangs will leave it all on the dotball gridiron in this matchup. The thangs pulled out the win in thier regular season matchup, but like they do against all really good teams the assassins sure made it a hell of a game. Virginia has proven they can be giant killers, and they'll need some tips from George Mason to pull this one off. Winner- Wild Thangs
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by vike fan 4 life

Winner- Hoosier Daddy's

3/4 great OT game between the runners and daddy's, it really could have been anyones game
Originally posted by vike fan 4 life
3/4 great OT game between the runners and daddy's, it really could have been anyones game

In other news:
joe blitz
lol this league just got NOBLED
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by Diggzi
In other news:

Wow, some bad defence choices there, 2 of 3 were pass defence, the other had the FS lined up on a CB way to the left??

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