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Got a laugh out of this:

Originally posted by Lurchy
The charity that Trump has given the most money to over his lifetime appears to be his own: the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

Tax records show the Trump Foundation has received $5.5 million from Trump over its life

Originally posted by Lurchy
the Trump Foundation’s gifts totaled $150,000. Trump had effectively turned the Evans Foundation’s gifts into his own gifts, without adding any money of his own.

Originally posted by Lurchy
There is no bullshit claim of speculation.

Of course not. Calling what you said speculation was completely justified and definitely not bullshit.
This, "to avoid any investigation and to avoid further damage to his corrupt reputation," is a speculative statement.

adjective: speculative

engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge.

Present the evidence if it isn't.
Originally posted by Djinnt

Present the evidence if it isn't.

I'm spamming the fvckin' thread with evidence and you write this! LMFAO
Originally posted by Lurchy
This is not a Breitbart alt-news feed, so no, NOBODY would ever accuse you of such a thing.

Literally never been to Breitbart.
Your flailing is comedy.
Djinnt: You cannot prove that the rapist had sex with the victim for the purpose of raping her, therefore, it's speculation.
Originally posted by Lurchy
Djinnt: You cannot prove that the rapist had sex with the victim for the purpose of raping her, therefore, it's speculation.

So you're saying you can't prove that he settled to avoid investigation and to avoid further damage to his corrupt reputation?
Well, then you shouldn't make such claims.

Originally posted by Lurchy
I'm spamming the fvckin' thread with evidence and you write this! LMFAO

You're spamming the thread with something, but certainly not evidence of the aforementioned claim yet.
Edited by Djinnt on Feb 11, 2017 00:52:01
Djinnt: Hillary Clinton never used a private email server to send or store classified emails because later on, after she was caught, she deleted them.
I'd pay money to see you in a public debate.
I'd be delighted to, but experience tells me you'd go home halfway through, frustrated and disappointed. Maybe I'm an optimist but I truly believe most folks go with the facts when presented with all the facts. Your defense of 'I don't accept your facts so therefore they don't count' doesn't hold water in most public debates.
Originally posted by Lurchy
I'd be delighted to, but experience tells me you'd go home halfway through, frustrated and disappointed. Maybe I'm an optimist but I truly believe most folks go with the facts when presented with all the facts. Your defense of 'I don't accept your facts so therefore they don't count' doesn't hold water in most public debates.

You are the king of strawmen today.
Originally posted by Sooner_Nation
So stupid, they had the power to keep your man Hillary, out of the white house.

and I rest my case.
Originally posted by Djinnt
I'm not a Trump supporter.
I didn't vote for him.
I didn't endorse him.
I didn't give his campaign money.
I didn't campaign for him.
I didn't try to convince anyone to vote for him.
I didn't support him in any way.

62,979,636 voted for Trump. 5 or 6 guys defend him here, they claim he is not a racist even though he refused to condemn the KKK. They claim Trump is not corrupt, even though they say every politician is, but Trump is not a politician and Hillary is a billionaire. Now one of these guys claims he is not one of the 63 million, he is defending Trump because he is a misguided social justice warrior. I think he's full of shit.
Originally posted by Djinnt
You are the king of strawmen today.

Sure dude.
Originally posted by number51
they claim he is not a racist even though he refused to condemn the KKK.

My claim is actually not that he isn't racist. I wouldn't be able to prove that. I don't know what he thinks. This is in response to a single charge of racism and it regards the validity of that charge alone.
My claim, with that in mind, is that refusing to condemn a group (not that he literally refused, but for the sake of argument, sure) does not mean that you believe anything that the group does or that you subscribe to their core values. I'm also taking the position that the term racism is inappropriately used and overused. It's an obvious tactic and it's rendering the word weightless when it's supposed to stand for something meaningful.

I refuse to condemn nuns. That doesn't make me Catholic.
If I said, "I don't know anything about nuns," that also wouldn't make me a nun, even if it is a stupid, politically motivated statement clearly intended (if you fucking know anything) to avoid alienating the nuns who might vote for me in the South Carolina or Alabama primaries the day of and soon after I do so. Nobody made the claim that Trump will do almost anything to get votes though. That claim, I could get on board with, y'know, because I could substantiate it and all.

Originally posted by number51
They claim Trump is not corrupt, even though they say every politician is, but Trump is not a politician and Hillary is a billionaire.

Again conflating.
I asked in that thread for examples of Trump's corruption. What I was given was mostly lackluster. On one issue I ceded that it sounded corrupt.

Originally posted by number51
Now one of these guys claims he is not one of the 63 million, he is defending Trump because he is a misguided social justice warrior. I think he's full of shit.

Misguided social justice warrior? I don't think you know what that phrase means, or you're just trolling without any aptitude for it.

And yeah, I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for anyone and I probably won't vote for anyone ever again. I'm a right-wing anarchist. The last person I voted for was a right-wing minarchist. That's about as far as I'll reach across the aisle to support a candidate. Even though I really, thoroughly hated Hillary and almost everything she stood for, I don't vote based on hating people and while I do agree with Trump on some issues, it's pretty close to 50-50 and that's not enough for me.
Originally posted by Djinnt
I do agree with Trump on some issues, it's pretty close to 50-50

so we've got you as far as admitting that you're a mere 1% away from being an out-of-the-closet trump supporter.


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