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Forum > Prep Leagues > S101 - life after rookie
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS
my chart showed non boosters were +6, delayed boosters +6, early boosters +6 though lol

in the end everyone will be 79/83 and some well build 79/84.
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty

I am not scared of your dots at all. I am however terrified of how terrific our league will be by the PROS. Lots of legit WL teams within it.

Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
The next stage that will be interesting is when folks have to stop multi training for light. We have many of our builds where we can go multi d120 and normal/intense until the end. That will give us an advantage while others are light training.

I am not scared of your dots at all. I am however terrified of how terrific our league will be by the PROS. Lots of legit WL teams within it.

not sure why everyone cannot do that - we surely are
Originally posted by reddogrw
not sure why everyone cannot do that - we surely are

Yeah I don’t know why some are light training so early. I’m sure many are doing what we are doing as well. Looking forward to when you guys actually care and the games are fun
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
Yeah I don’t know why some are light training so early. I’m sure many are doing what we are doing as well. Looking forward to when you guys actually care and the games are fun

yeah - I may boost early with the next team and see how it works out

no point in gameplanning with the 5 level difference
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
I see that too but nobody has yet to answer me one simple question. If boosting early works so great then why didn't anyone do that for the 99 seasons before the crash? Even J.D.Bolick would be screaming at this now.

you did boost "early" though before lol. you didn't start with like 50 training points then however to reallly help push caps
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
The next stage that will be interesting is when folks have to stop multi training for light. We have many of our builds where we can go multi d120 and normal/intense until the end. That will give us an advantage while others are light training.

I am not scared of your dots at all. I am however terrified of how terrific our league will be by the PROS. Lots of legit WL teams within it.

most people don't go 4 AEQ. you are kidding yourself
zz man
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
I’m not sure why you all think the builds are gonna be so much better than early (smart) boosting but we will see soon enough. I see lots of scrambling as many of you switch to light train soon.

A lot of the teams in my league are likely to beat us in pro but that’s their coordinator skill more than dot ability imho

I think that with the create O pass tool Offensive co-ordinatoors will probably be good to go and some lesser knowns could break thru at WL level. imo the advantage to O was already high but now will call for more vanilla defense as quoted by the best (RC) which is totally correct.

But as usual it will be the teams that make the less mistakes that loom large on the horizon. There wont be many bad builds but maybe some that are "more elite" or suited to WL "styles"

I agree that this choice of building is fun but comparisons shouldnt be taken too seriously yet. Theres plenty of time for builds to go bad !!!!
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by PLAYMAKERS
you did boost "early" though before lol. you didn't start with like 50 training points then however to reallly help push caps

You missed the point. I'm not talking about the 5 you do before the regular season starts ( or even the 3 from before the crash). I'm talking what they're talking about and that's those that have used all their boosts before day 1 (of regular season).
Originally posted by reddogrw
yeah - I may boost early with the next team and see how it works out

no point in gameplanning with the 5 level difference

Yeah I get that. We would win no matter what you do with the difference at this level.

Originally posted by zz man
I think that with the create O pass tool Offensive co-ordinatoors will probably be good to go and some lesser knowns could break thru at WL level. imo the advantage to O was already high but now will call for more vanilla defense as quoted by the best (RC) which is totally correct.

But as usual it will be the teams that make the less mistakes that loom large on the horizon. There wont be many bad builds but maybe some that are "more elite" or suited to WL "styles"

I agree that this choice of building is fun but comparisons shouldnt be taken too seriously yet. Theres plenty of time for builds to go bad !!!!

Agree completely. We won't know for awhile yet. What drives me crazy is when folks are so matter of fact about it when it is still the great unknown at this point.

Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by SmithsterSmitty
Agree completely. We won't know for awhile yet. What drives me crazy is when folks are so matter of fact about it when it is still the great unknown at this point.

Amen. I suspect some are right. There are some smart math wizards about these ol' halls. JD was pretty smart in that way... if you could get past his rage at your questions. Loved that ol' bugger. Anyways, I'm no Einstein but I do pretty good. What I'm doing now is pretty much still in line with what I was doing before the crash and the dots look to be "in the zone" I look for. Still, there's miles to go before I sleep.
not bad at all.

Total Player Count:
55 (Avg Lv 32)

Avg Player Value:
641.03 (Effective Lv 39)

EDIT: MM to +7 too!
Edited by Kenshinzen on Sep 7, 2023 05:40:17
Edited by Kenshinzen on Sep 7, 2023 02:31:43
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
I see that too but nobody has yet to answer me one simple question. If boosting early works so great then why didn't anyone do that for the 99 seasons before the crash? Even J.D.Bolick would be screaming at this now.

I'm with Roy. And I also agree that the differences will not be earth shattering apart. But there could be enough difference to give an edge to those that went the right way (whichever way that ends up being). And, in this tight assed game, any edge is worth going for.

First 99 seasons XP and VP was controlled by the DOTs level. Now its controlled by the DOTs age. In first 99 seasons if you boosted early to LV 7 in season one you didn't end S1 at LV 19. Also in S3 if you boosted early ended at LV 42.75 VS Lv 43. Yet got more VP. Now age controls everything. At end of this season when all teams boost up to LV 45 we shall see.

Being built for casual League's my dots weren't focused as hard on being WL class builds. I'm most likely 2-3 points low on their main ATT. Yet better rounded earlier. Still don't forget you can't hide a crappy dot in Casuals if you play it.

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