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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Hunger Games Mafia - Game Thread
I have a bow and arrows for day killing. I doubt they are transferable, though since they are part of my role which reads as vig.
I don't understand the thought of giving someone the ability to daykill in a last person standing game. Obviously I believe you but still doesn't mean it makes sense to me.
But that could be part of us figuring out the game and figuring out that the day kill person either needs to be lynched or have some bad luck and killed at night.
I'm just a regular tribute with no skills.
Originally posted by schrauben
I don't understand the thought of giving someone the ability to daykill in a last person standing game. Obviously I believe you but still doesn't mean it makes sense to me.

It also doesn't make sense to have scum in a last man standing game either though, does it? My guess is the day kill ability is to offset the scum co-ordinating.
This is a last man standing game. Primate is the lynch today. Primate said himself earlier in the game that in the movie careers worked together and eventually turned on each other. There can only be 1 winner and as of right now Primate is the biggest threat.

vote Primate
Here's my problem, I don't trust jay or sugar tbh. I trust primate more than anyone else left. But i knew and he confirmed that our win conditions are to be the last man standing. But I just have to vote him cause I'm not sure if he really does die after his daykill tomorrow. And I don't think there are that many more maybe 1 career at most left which I don't think really gains them an advantage.

vote primate
Final Day 4 Unpopularity Contest

Primate [3] - Sugar (35), Jayadamo (40), Schrauben (40),
Jayadamo [1] - Primate (37)

Not Voted: IBG,

With 5 tributes alive, it takes 3 votes for a lynch.
As the 4th day of the Hunger Games comes to a close, things are starting to get interesting. The group is breaking apart, and everybody seems to just be trying to survive at this point. The game makers have done a good job of forcing the tributes closer and closer to each other, in order to try to force action, and today we finally had some. Following the attack on the Tribute from District 1, some of the others noticed that one of the remaining players had a bow sticking out of their backpack. In an effort of pure survival, three of the tributes all picked up stones and started hurling them in the general direction of the Female Tribute from District 12. Before she could draw an arrow, she was struck in the back of the head with a large stone, and knocked to the ground. It didn't take long after that for the three tributes to finish her off. However, they made sure to keep a safe distance, in case any of them started to get different ideas.

...THUNDER ...

Everyone looks skyward in amazement as the picture of Primate is shown in the sky, indicating his death and elimination from the Hunger Games.

Primate (Female Tribute from District 12) has been killed

As the tributes head their separate ways for the night, a drone is seen flying overhead. It seems to stop and drop a package in the vicinity of the Female Tribute from District 2. Looks like the sponsors took a liking to her.


Get your night actions in ASAP. Cornucopia Zones 2-7 are open this evening. As soon as all actions are in, I'll get the game reopened. Deadline is Thursday at 11 AM CT.
Day 5 starts similarly to how Day 4 ended. We still have 4 tributes with us. Recapping the night, we didn't see anybody in the vicinity of the Cornucopia, but we heard mention of an attack on one of the tributes, but we weren't able to confirm that on camera. It'll be interesting to see how the tributes work through today, and to see if the gamemakers have anything in store for the remaining tributes. May the odds be ever in your favor!

With 4 tributes alive, it'll take 3 votes for a lynch. Deadline is Friday night at 10 PM CT.
Vote: sugar

I trust him the least at this point.
Originally posted by ibleedgreen007
Vote: sugar

I trust him the least at this point.

What's your hurry?
Honestly I think IBG is the vote today, sugar went nowhere last night.
Take Primate's backpack
Take Primate's bow and arrows

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