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Forum > Prep Leagues > S23- Prep#4
Fred Ex
ill take the Stars plus 75
I'll make this easy. In no particular order, the top 4 in each division:

Alpha: Babybacks, Blitz, Academy, Vampires

Zeta: Sinistral, Stormriders, Hugos, Combine
Fred Ex
whoa, whoa whoa, you fogot one
Fred Ex
Starship sevens going to have non consensual sex with your gorilla anus come july 8th
Fred Ex are you involved with the Palermo Pirates at all?
Originally posted by Fred Ex
Oh look who decided to jump into the conversation, another gorilla emblem. Yea I wonder what side you were going to be on???, Anyways, all this talk from another user who hasn't won anything.

All THIS talk from a team that hasnt made it out of the first round of a league tournament and is currently 2-4 in the preseason... (insert cliche "lolpreseason and we dont game plan in the lower levels" comments here)

I'll take the Babybacks and I'll say the game is decided by half time!
Anger Manager
Originally posted by Gigolo Johnny D
Originally posted by Fred Ex

Oh look who decided to jump into the conversation, another gorilla emblem. Yea I wonder what side you were going to be on???, Anyways, all this talk from another user who hasn't won anything.

All THIS talk from a team that hasnt made it out of the first round of a league tournament and is currently 2-4 in the preseason... (insert cliche "lolpreseason and we dont game plan in the lower levels" comments here)

I'll take the Babybacks and I'll say the game is decided by half time!


Fred Ex
Your next eels, your schmo team really brought it in the championship game last year...
Fred Ex
Originally posted by rebelscum
Fred Ex are you involved with the Palermo Pirates at all?[/QUOTE

Nope, (Me vs all the rest of prep leagues)
We have decided not to try.
Smell that? I just shit myself and made a league 4.
Fred Ex
18's a little closer than 75, besides I play the game the right way. I spend hours recruiting rather than have four meats build an entire team. Congrats!
Fred Ex
Originally posted by The Other Football
Smell that? I just shit myself and made a league 4.

get out of my forum
All you could muster was 2 FG (I'm assuming here)?? Fucking pathetic!! Yeah, I got beat in the league finals the last two seasons. I have no problem admitting that. Can you even acknowledge the fact that you haven't made it out of the first round each season?

So making all the dots for your own team is doing things the wrong way? Show me the rule that I broke? Why is it wrong, because you don't want to spend the flex to do it yourselves? Does that mean that making it to the league finals is 'wrong' also since that is something you can't do either?
Originally posted by Fred Ex
18's a little closer than 75, besides I play the game the right way. I spend hours recruiting rather than have four meats build an entire team. Congrats!

GG Fred

Scrimmages are hard to figure. Best team won, but not by as much as I figured. Think if we played a regular season game it would be much worse. Your chemistry is outstanding at this point along with all the restrictions from the scrimmage made it closer than it appears in your mirror.

Best of luck this season!

Love always,


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