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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Any new custom O slots for new archetypes?
Originally posted by THE PWNER
I agree that its too much to do it on the oline and even the FS. But i do think adding it for just the SS would be realistic. Lots of real teams switch between cover 1 and cover 2 regularly based on situations and that oftwn means bringing in a different SS.

An DE is a no-brainer, shocked we dont have i yet...

I agree with the DE. However, I don't pay enough attention to personnel swaps to notice whether or not a team swaps out their SS in different coverages.

Generally speaking, I see the SS being pulled off the field in favor of a CB or LB, but that's a completely different defensive package. Generally, the SS either drops back in coverage, or comes up on the line. All depends on defensive scheme and player abilities.
I know your still looking at it being implemented for all teams and thats not what I'm getting at. Casuals have no way play a SS or FS up in coverage or run support on a per play basis and with all the specialized builds and SAs going into effect, that will kill teams that can't recruit players that don't choose the Arch penalties. Sure its a build thing, but some don't have 55 players to field a team and have to take what new recruits have. Don't mean to sound bitchy, but not sure its gonna work for Casuals. I have a reg team too, so not partial to Cas., just want some respect for keeping us as team owners.
Originally posted by Vigilante
I know your still looking at it being implemented for all teams and thats not what I'm getting at. Casuals have no way play a SS or FS up in coverage or run support on a per play basis and with all the specialized builds and SAs going into effect, that will kill teams that can't recruit players that don't choose the Arch penalties. Sure its a build thing, but some don't have 55 players to field a team and have to take what new recruits have. Don't mean to sound bitchy, but not sure its gonna work for Casuals. I have a reg team too, so not partial to Cas., just want some respect for keeping us as team owners.

You seem more like an intermediate casual... I'm sure there are a lot of casual league coaches who want it to be as simple as possible, and adding more stuff like this to it would not be what they want.
I'd rather have the ability to set the DC for each formation, both offensively and defensively. Couple that with the customs currently available and you should be able to do about anything you need.

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