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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Hunger Games Mafia - Game Thread
As night falls over the third day of the 74th edition of the Hunger Games, let's recap where we stand. The game makers have really outdone themselves this year, that's for sure! Part way through the game, we were alerted to the death of the Male Tribute from District 2, who fell at the hands of a mysterious arrow. This surprised and excited the sponsors, as they weren't expecting action so soon in the games. As the rest of the day played out, they watched with careful eyes, and joined together to decide the fate of one unfortunate tribute. Let's read the note from the sponsors:

Originally posted by Sponsor Spokesman

After watching today's events, we just can't see the Male Tribute from District 12 having a real chance at winning the games this season. We would like to provide the tribute one chance to prove himself to us. If he is strong enough to survive, we will be in awe and much more likely to support him going forward.

Interesting response from the sponsors. Let's check the video feed and see if we can find the boy from District 12. Here he is, on monitor 7. Let's zoom out a little bit to have a better look. Look over here, on the left side of the screen. What is that? It look to me like a wolf-like creature, slowly stalking through the trees towards our brave tribute. He doesn't even seem to know that it's coming! Oh no! It looks like the wolf-like creature is carrying away the poor boy.

Ok, that's enough, I can't watch any more! It looks like the sponsors were correct in their initial read of the boy from District 12.

...THUNDER ...

Everyone looks skyward in amazement as the picture of Gmaj is shown in the sky, indicating his death and elimination from the Hunger Games.

Gmaj (Male Tribute from District 12) has been killed

Once again, each player has a choice. Perform your regular night action, or press your luck in visiting the Cornucopia. Available zones this evening are Zones 2-9.

Get your night actions in ASAP, especially if you plan on visiting the Cornucopia. Deadline is Monday at 12 PM CT If actions get in sooner, I'll open the game up sooner.
Edited by spindoctor02 on Oct 10, 2015 08:16:04
Day 4 begins here in the 74th edition of the Hunger Games, and we are surprised to report that all 6 tributes that entered the night are still with us this morning. Some definitely worse for the wear, but that's to be expected in a game like this. We overheard some commotion at the Cornucopia last night between two tributes, and also witnessed an attack on another tribute, however, none of those events were fatal. I wonder what the game makers have in-store for the tributes today.

With 6 tributes still alive, it'll take 4 votes for a lynch. Deadline is Thursday at 6 PM CT
search gmaj body for anything
search gmaj body for anything
IBG DId you stab my in my back with 2 knives? WTF bro?
Vote IBG
Originally posted by schrauben
I didn't know shit just wanted to see who jumped on board. All I know is IBG didn't target you night 1 and I went to the cornucopia last night.

I do think that this is a game of last man standing. But I do think there is a group of the "careers" that are working together. So if you are solo like me then we need to root them out in order to fight to the death. Unless my love interest is out there and we can trick the games makers into letting two of us live with the poison berries. Then we can live to the sequel.

I believe you just claimed Katniss by default.
Sugar Kapaa
Originally posted by spindoctor02
Day 4 begins here in the 74th edition of the Hunger Games, and we are surprised to report that all 6 tributes that entered the night are still with us this morning. Some definitely worse for the wear, but that's to be expected in a game like this. We overheard some commotion at the Cornucopia last night between two tributes, and also witnessed an attack on another tribute, however, none of those events were fatal. I wonder what the game makers have in-store for the tributes today.

With 6 tributes still alive, it'll take 4 votes for a lynch. Deadline is Thursday at 6 PM CT

Tributes Alive
1. Jayadamo
3. Sabataged
6. Primate
8. Sugar
10. IBG
11. Schrauben

Has Jay even posted this game?
IBG got lots of loot off of dead bodies.
Originally posted by Primate
IBG got lots of loot off of dead bodies.

That's why I think it was him who double stabbed me.
Sugar Kapaa
what does double stabbed mean?
you took a knife twice, in one night phase?
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
what does double stabbed mean?
you took a knife twice, in one night phase?

two knives in the back at the same time.
There are scum left to deal with.

Schraub is 100% scum

I think one of these 3 may be scum.
Kneel by GMAJ's body, Kiss his head, and swear to avenge his death!

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