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Yeah, not fired up to do anything monumental at the moment although I've wanted to (/sarcasm). A way early heads up as "BB World" will be on a season long vacation as I'm about to ramp up with a very long two months of work.

On a positive note, I'd like to extend an invitation for Venge to come stay a few days with me in Dallas. Kind of a bury the hatchet sort of gesture. I can show him some of the lovely hospitals the metroplex has.

Manchester United @ Detroit Muscle
It's been a while since these teams have locked horns (week 2). In that game the Muscle won 42-31 and the first half was close before the Muscle reeled off 21 unanswered in the 4th quarter. Both teams ran the ball well (Man U - 483; Muscle - 189) and I have the sneaking suspicion that will once again play a roll here. Man U is one of the few teams in my memory that have advanced as a QB based rushing team into round two. Will they make further history or will Detroit show why they were a feared East team moving over just a season ago? I look for Detroit's D to give up the rushing yards but make enough stops to pull away in the 2nd half...38-27.

B.O.S.S. @ Twin Peaks
These two met up fairly recently (week 12) where BOSS didn't have to break too much of a sweat winning 33-20. BOSS jumped out to a 21-0 lead and it took back to back TD's by the Peaks to get back in it to trail 23-14 at the half. BOSS dominated the special teams and took it to the Peaks D on the ground cranking out 191.5 yards. While everything may seem down for the Peaks - Rube's 10 pet gerbils died, they've lost the GLB tourney championship, they're 0-2 in CP championship games...and somehow Rube manages to get out of bed everyday. This one will be closer throughout than the regular season meeting and you have to give it to the silver loving Peaks...24-23.

Bier Markt @ Her Majesty's Dragons
While six other teams may not agree I like to call this game the unofficial title game. The regular season game was anything but a battle as BM easily won 63-14 but as we all know the Dragons had their own demons early in the season with the 1-5 start. We need to look back to last season on how this game will end up as these two had two fierce games. The regular season went to BM 40-34 while HMD took the one that mattered (Conference Title game) 31-27.

DIALBO DOTS @ Uh Oh! HOOD gone Casual
There's some bad blood between these two and fortunately for the rest of us the DOTS owner is on a self imposed vacation from posting (on behalf of many we thank you - we win). With the amount of times I report him he may very likely be suspended - you're welcome. Back to the game. The regular season game was won by DIABLO 27-24 but a low scoring game went nuts in the fourth as the teams combined for 28 4th quarter points. I don't see this one being as low scoring as they both put up 400+ yards and I think they'll do more this go around. Is HOOD ready to get back into the conference finals or are the dots ready to continue going after two of five? I got the DOTS in another close one...34-31.
Sugar Kapaa
you two can go to the state fair next weekend
Hood wins
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
you two can go to the state fair next weekend

Hospital only. I'll drop him off and meet him inside.
Good analysis BB. Sorry to ruin your perfect prediction. It was an epic game. Glad to be a part of it.
The odd part is I didn't finish it. I'd had went Dragons 31-30 looking at my notes.
Well crap, got home earlier this evening after having my flight cancelled last night so I plan on doing two things today (Saturday)- hog hunting and watching the Badger/Northwestern game (may need to find time to drink a few beers and kick some ass). I know, conference championships but both games should be a one point scores and while I give Rube shit on a non-stop bases (why he doesn't cry internet bully is anyone's guess) I will have to go with the Muscle and the Dragons in winning one score games but either the Peaks or DOTS winning would not surprise me in the least (see how I cover myself there - that's how you due it). Good luck to all the four teams and even if I hate you I wish you well on the dotball field of play. Dragons, your currently on the hate list for your information or to be all geeky FYI.
Sugar Kapaa
I'm glad you "due" it. The sky is the limit for you if you actually "do" it. Maybe a conference championship game or two...
Originally posted by Sugar Kapaa
I'm glad you "due" it. The sky is the limit for you if you actually "do" it. Maybe a conference championship game or too...

Edited by F.O.F.F. on Oct 4, 2014 07:57:00
Good luck everyone!
Congrats the to Dragons and Muscle. I have a few dots on Detroit so GO MUSCLE!!!!!!!
Two great games tonight

good fucking night BOZO !!!
Originally posted by vinman
Two great games tonight


GG Diablo and Twin Peaks

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