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So my GM and I have been discussing which is the better path to take. Specialize your player to be dominant in one stat (such as massing strength or speed, but neglecting confidence, carrying, or another less glamorous stat) or making them balanced, but somewhat mediocre, all around.

Both of my high level players are very balanced, and both of his are strongly specialized.

What do you guys think?
I think that in lower level leagues and such and with new players there's an advantage to them being specialized. Now that there are numerous players over LVL 16 I think the balanced ones will have the advantage. I think it's very true in real football as well, if you're a rookie you hav ea better chance of making a team and having an immediate impact if you have crazy speed or are stupid strong etc, but as you progress that one thing becomes a hinderance if you can't do anything else. You'll see the WR's who are all speed that there stats will come way down this season as everybody else catches up and can dominate them everywhere sle
I think that specialization (assuming that you are specializing in an important stat or two for your position) makes the most sense. Be great at one thing and not middle of the road at everything.
Personally, I think you can specialize in a stat or two until you become a higher level. Once a team can exploit your weakness at a later level you are going to get crushed. But as for the early stages, SPD can really be a HUGE factor in how great your player is. I've seen level 10 WRs with 70 speed, but they can't catch the ball. So I mean, I think you can specialize early but then you have to divy up the stats as you go along with the later levels.
Get to 48ASAP since then you maximize the amount of SP that goes into your key stats before rounding out your player
When you get to level 20 or higher, specializing won't win because everyone has leveled up so much.

At lower levels, specializing will work. A guy with tremendous speed will be able to get away from a corner that has decent speed and other decent attributes.
Originally posted by shaun123987
When you get to level 20 or higher, specializing won't win because everyone has leveled up so much.

At lower levels, specializing will work. A guy with tremendous speed will be able to get away from a corner that has decent speed and other decent attributes.

the point of specializing is to max it out to 48-49 asap so that your free points from leveling are worth more

my Oline has max'ed stren/blocking 49 so now everytime they level those free level points are worth twice as much

that way if i want a 90 speed someday...which i do...since i max'ed out at 49 by level 5 every time i go up now that 1/3 of a point is actually worth 2/3 of a point

my center who has 52 stren/blocking was max'ed at 49 and those next 3 levels just keep making him better allowing me to put his other points in agi, vision, stam, whatever haha....i guarentee you my level 20 C will be better than any level 20 C around right now

SPECIALIZE EARLY max 1-2 skills that you know you're going to want very high and max them to 48-49 ASAP, then just balance out the rest of your skills lol
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 09:18:14
Father Time
don't do it
I think it has a lot to do with position. A "balanced" fullback will suck at running and suck at blocking, while a specialized fullback will do one very well. A specialized OT will not do well against certain ends, while a balanced one can hold is own. It all depends.
Yea, it's more about having complementary builds on your team vice just all of them being specialized. As of now with my guys (lvl 15) specialized seems to be the way to go, like others have said here.

I own the entire defense for my team (granted it's still pretty low level) but I have guys specialized right now and can gameplan accordingly. I know the recruiting process is difficult (which is why me and my irl buddy own our entire team) but having specialty builds that complement your overall philosophy can be beneficial. I've got a D-Line who is more about run stuffing and my back 7 are built with high speed/agility/vision so I can defend the pass. When a power rushing team is coming up on our schedule, I have to risk selling out against it, but I like my odds if a rush heavy team has to try to exploit my CBs and Safeties.

The flip side is what flames54 mentioned in his post a while back in that to continue to be specialized will cost more and more points per attribute. If you were just cranking speed on a wr, he may have 100 speed, but the good CBs will have 80ish speed and be able to cover you better because they have better agility and vision.

It's one of the interesting dynamics of the game. If everyone at higher levels continued to specialize, you'd get different responses. But once you get to the 4 to 1 cap, you get more bang for your buck by rounding out, so more people went that route and you have to build accordingly.
Originally posted by FriskyMonkey

my center who has 52 stren/blocking was max'ed at 49 and those next 3 levels just keep making him better allowing me to put his other points in agi, vision, stam, whatever haha....i guarentee you my level 20 C will be better than any level 20 C around right now

LOL! I love it when someone digs up old threads. Your L20 C might have been great back in June, but I'd wager to guess now that your guys is L31, my L25 C could eat his lunch. So could my L32 C for that matter.
I specialise for the first 16 levels or so, then try to balance my player out in the higher levels.
If you want an HB like LaDainian Tomlinson, then get balanced stats. This is why HBs are crap because they don't look up to LT. But I prefer to go my own route and be crap.
LT is specialized at everything, lol. That's why he's good. Balanced means being mediocre at everything. LT's build in this game would be crazy.

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