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Westside Longhorns vs Crib Midgets. One of these 9-0 teams will be 10-0... Who will it be?

My money is on Westside. Crib doesn't look as strong this season as he did that past two.

I'll take the dwarves even though inside I'm hoping it's the 'Horns since we hold a victory over them (albeit it an early scrimmage). Both teams look pretty even this season.
Yeah, it's pretty much a coin flip if you go by the scouting bars, records, and quality of personnel. But I am a bit of a Crib fan, and am a believer that the best remains the best until someone proves otherwise, and no one has done so thus far. If it is the Longhorns that do it, I am glad our first loss of the season would come at the hands of a quality team and a quality owner.

EDIT: I just noticed their team page says they eat Crib Midgets for breakfast....while I don't think this is part of a healthy diet, if you go by the saying 'you are what you eat' then that is a terrific compliment to us.
Edited by vrecksler on Jul 7, 2009 18:50:17
I'd like to say I think we'll win, but this should be a close one, and as I've said on the forums before, the Midgets are the Champs until someone knocks them off. I'm sure this is our best chance ever to beat them, but who knows what devious tricks they have in store for us tomorrow! They seem like a really good group of guys, and I have a lot of respect for their accomplishments, but I sure would love to be the one to knock them off!

Like I told LynyrdB the other day, we haven't actually eaten any Midgets yet, but tomorrow we bring forks and knives to the stadium, along with plenty of napkins. Considering all the ice cream those midgets eat, they should be delicious!
You can probably beat them. We lost 24-21 on the last play of the game so we'll see. The West looks much stronger this year.
We're mainly gonna try to keep from getting eaten and leave MJR14's house with a victory.
Time Trial
The East needs to learn how to play defense in my opinion... if you can't stop a team that passes once a quarter you need to get a new DC, because if I were to play the CM tomorrow, I think it wouldn't be that tough to shut them down. Of course now they will prove me wrong by throwing the ball twice a quarter. Yawn. The West has a much more versitile group at the top.
The last two seasons the West has looked stronger and the last two season the Midgets have won the Championship. The point is that they win, and I wouldn't be surprised if they threw the ball 20+ times tomorrow, if that's how they think they can beat us. They change their tactics constantly. It's easy to say the West has the best teams, not so easy for the West to beat Crib, though, eh?
Time Trial
Bah! I've never played them outside of Preseason, so I wouldn't know. But it doesn't take a genius to stop a team that averages 3.9 passing attempts per game. This is Dotball... you need to take a few risks and leave man coverage out of it and run a couple of shallow deep zones with the rest of the team looking to stop the run. Maybe not on every play, but on 70% of plays out of the I form I'd be pressing.

Midgets: 35 passing attempts and 398 rushing attempts. 3.9 passes per game, 44.2 rushes.

You aren't going to beat them without playing for the TFL every once in awhile. If they decide to pass, then you better have a player or two ready for them in a zone. If they slip a tackle, you'd better have someone with some speed, tackling, and set to wrap up ready to take them down. They might change things up, but you know that they don't have a serious deep ball threat.


Pretty standard formation. Blitz the CBs 50% of the time Man coverage 25% medium weak and strong flats 25%. Mix it up by putting the ROLB or LOLB into a flats coverage some of the time while the CB is blitzing, sometimes bring in the RE or LE into the flats. Mix up who is covering the outside and where they are coming from. Bring the rest of the heat on the inside or put them into man coverage on the HB and TE or FB. Sometimes you can put the FS into middle deep and send the SS in to assist in the flats or on a blitz up the middle. Either way, you'd better have the bulk of your defense set to run focus, because you know what their bread and butter is.

Likely there are going to be the following plays run by the CM:

1) HB pitch to the strong side with FB and WR blocking.
2) HB up the gut strong side with FB and TE blocking
3) HB up the gut weak side with FB blocking
4) HB wide to the weak side with the FB and WR blocking
5) QB rollout to the strong or weak side.
6) Some sort of short pass (screen most likely).

These are their standard options out of any of the I formations. If they beat you, you'd better have the right builds playing deep, because you will stop them short 80% of the time and the other 20% you need to limit their "big gain" to a mere 10-20 yards. If you have the builds and depth for it, sometimes run a 3-4 or 3-3 and take the extra help on the outside when you think they are going to rollout.

And that's how you play defense in the West MF.

Edited by Time Trial on Jul 8, 2009 00:32:44
Yikes. Well, thanks for the advice TT, I would probabaly try some of it if I hadn't already had like 15 beers (inspired no doubt by that other thread...) At this point I'll just let the chips fall and see how it goes...
Originally posted by Time Trial
Bah! I've never played them outside of Preseason, so I wouldn't know. But it doesn't take a genius to stop a team that averages 3.9 passing attempts per game. This is Dotball... you need to take a few risks and leave man coverage out of it and run a couple of shallow deep zones with the rest of the team looking to stop the run. Maybe not on every play, but on 70% of plays out of the I form I'd be pressing.

Midgets: 35 passing attempts and 398 rushing attempts. 3.9 passes per game, 44.2 rushes.

You aren't going to beat them without playing for the TFL every once in awhile. If they decide to pass, then you better have a player or two ready for them in a zone. If they slip a tackle, you'd better have someone with some speed, tackling, and set to wrap up ready to take them down. They might change things up, but you know that they don't have a serious deep ball threat.


Pretty standard formation. Blitz the CBs 50% of the time Man coverage 25% medium weak and strong flats 25%. Mix it up by putting the ROLB or LOLB into a flats coverage some of the time while the CB is blitzing, sometimes bring in the RE or LE into the flats. Mix up who is covering the outside and where they are coming from. Bring the rest of the heat on the inside or put them into man coverage on the HB and TE or FB. Sometimes you can put the FS into middle deep and send the SS in to assist in the flats or on a blitz up the middle. Either way, you'd better have the bulk of your defense set to run focus, because you know what their bread and butter is.

Likely there are going to be the following plays run by the CM:

1) HB pitch to the strong side with FB and WR blocking.
2) HB up the gut strong side with FB and TE blocking
3) HB up the gut weak side with FB blocking
4) HB wide to the weak side with the FB and WR blocking
5) QB rollout to the strong or weak side.
6) Some sort of short pass (screen most likely).

These are their standard options out of any of the I formations. If they beat you, you'd better have the right builds playing deep, because you will stop them short 80% of the time and the other 20% you need to limit their "big gain" to a mere 10-20 yards. If you have the builds and depth for it, sometimes run a 3-4 or 3-3 and take the extra help on the outside when you think they are going to rollout.

And that's how you play defense in the West MF.

Really? Seriously? I guess in TT speak winning the past 40 straight in the regular and post season including against EVERY West opponent means we suck and don't merit your concern - duly noted. Maybe you will get to test that theory if you can get out of the 2nd round. Good luck in your quest for Ice Cream, we don't like to share........


Edit: Hahaha!
Edited by mjr14 on Jul 8, 2009 02:25:29
Originally posted by Dacomish
Really? Seriously? I guess in TT speak winning the past 40 straight in the regular and post season including against EVERY West opponent means we suck and don't merit your concern - duly noted. Maybe you will get to test that theory if you can get out of the 2nd round. Good luck in your quest for Ice Cream, we don't like to share........

Excellent post from the guys sitting at the top. Until someone takes you guys down, every other claim is just hopes and dreams.
I think Time Trial has a problem... He isn't ever going to beat us. The first step is always admitting that you have a problem TT. Now I know I don't say much in this league forum as I only own a lowly LB for the midgets, but your plan completely fails to account for solidly built players. Every midget is a perfect build. All the necessary 8's in the unneeded skills, maximum training time, set-in-stone build plans. After that it's just easy. Your other problem is that your co-owner there was co-OC with me for a 13 capped team a couple seasons back so I'm aware of his tendencies and even though peewee requires different style of play... knowing when the OC has set plays and when he's aiming for some randomization is a huge key.

I apologize to anyone else for this rant, but giving away opponent information to other teams is kind of lowly and even cowardly. Stop living vicariously through others so they'll do what you can't. Vandigo Out
lol w0000w... I'm a show me kindah guy, so I guess I automatically assume everyone else is a show me kindah guy/gal. You can know the team's plays but without the proper personnel, understanding and fully utilizing your own personnel, it doesn't really matter. Letz get huuuuuur dun~

I'm not even a fan of seafood... For the record. <--- /random

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